
  Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Peer Review: A87956068 - The Ultimate Studio Ghibli Film Guide: 1984 - 1989 [24]No PostingJun 20, 2020
Peer Review: A87956077 - The Ultimate Studio Ghibli Film Guide: 1991 - 1994 [8]No PostingJun 19, 2020
Peer Review: A87970602 - '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea' - a Novel by Jules Verne [22]No PostingJun 15, 2020
Peer Review: A87967822 - Slime Moulds [21]No PostingJun 12, 2020
Peer Review: A87947833 - Animated Asterix Films: 'Asterix: The Secret of the Magic Potion' [8]No PostingJun 12, 2020
Peer Review: A87973104 - 'Kes' - the Film [7]No PostingJun 5, 2020
Peer Review: A87975508 - The Vienna Mountain Spring Pipeline - Water for the City [12]No PostingMay 29, 2020
Peer Review: A87899170 - The Ultimate Illumination Film Guide: 2015-2019 [5]No PostingMay 29, 2020
Peer Review: A87965095 - 'Moondial' - the Television Serial [13]No PostingMay 25, 2020
Peer Review: A87974608 - Ignaz Semmelweis and the Campaign for Healthy Hand-Washing [9]No PostingMay 22, 2020
Peer Review: A87975490 - Little Grebes [9]No PostingMay 16, 2020
Peer Review: A87952099 - How Cute are Rabbits? An Analysis [9]No PostingMay 15, 2020
Peer Review: A87971854 - The Last Escaped POW: How Georg Gaertner Spent 40 Years on the Run and Invented a Tennis Racquet [8]No PostingMay 15, 2020
Peer Review: A87968344 - How to Recover Files Deleted from a Windows PC [9]No PostingMay 13, 2020
Peer Review: A87983761 - Who will be hired right now [5]No PostingMay 13, 2020

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Number Twelve (who bears a strong resemblance to Number Six wearing a hat & dark glasses...)

Researcher U224285

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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