This is the Message Centre for Albus Dumbledore, now 100% ACE! Join Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardy! A1014229

Help requested!!

Post 1

Moaning Myrtle (Hogwart's Ghost)

I would like to be Moaning Myrtle.. One small thing... I don't have any idea how to make the bathroom.. Can you help? (I am not at all GuideML literate, so if you would help, it'd be greatly appreciated!!)

Help requested!!

Post 2

Moaning Myrtle (Hogwart's Ghost)

Alright I think I have an ACE that's going to help me. I'll post the link to the corridor leading to my bathroom (when I have it finished) here so you can put it on the Floo Network.

Help requested!!

Post 3

Moaning Myrtle (Hogwart's Ghost)

alright! heres the link to the Dark Damp Corridor, where Moaning Myrtle's bathroom is! A1123813 there ya go! Add it to the Floo Network.

Help requested!!

Post 4

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

if the ACE does it all for you that will be fine. I'll get Dumbledore's attention so he can add it in

My Corridor

Post 5

Moaning Myrtle (Hogwart's Ghost)

It's been a few days, and my corridor still isn't in the Floo network, Tal-Rasha, did you happen to get a hold of Dumbleore yet?

My Corridor

Post 6

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

he's been really busy IRL, he'll get to it, don't worry

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