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abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Started conversation Mar 10, 2004
Meg are you having health concerns?
I thought I ran across a thread last week where you were worried about breast lumps again. (computer cut me off)
Please feel free to try my email or give me the other link if you do not want to repeat it.
I'll be thinking of you.
Meg Posted Mar 15, 2004
Slight concerns. I'm concerned that I may be a hypochondriac But seriously I have a skin lump above my breast which is growing. I saw the dermatologist last week and he's not worried about it. I want to know what it is, so have opted to have it removed anyway. I just have to wait for the appointment.
More of a concern is a feeling of pressure in my neck and head that I've had for 3 weeks. It's accompanied by hearburn and difficulty swallowing but I don't want to see my doctor again as I'm sure they're fed-up with seeing me so often. It's not getting worse so I may sit on it a while.
Are you Ok? We haven't conversed for a while. I felt your absence last week whilst you were off-line.
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