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Hi Meg :-)
angelicaheaven Started conversation Nov 18, 2003
Hi Meg
Do you remeber me?
It's me Nats, i hope you do remember me.
How are you doing, i hope that you are well. xx*NATS*xx
Hi Meg :-)
Meg Posted Nov 25, 2003
Hi Nats,
I haven't had much time to chat as usual. I am at work and the first few hours are usually busy. I only get chance to chat after about this time (03:00hrs GMT). Thanks for sending your best wishes on my Oh Dear thread. My beloved says he will buy me another ring but I don't want another one. I want that one as it has the meaning of the engagement attatched to it - if you know what I mean. They do cost a few pounds as well. Not what we need with Christmas and a wedding looming and two poorley cars that may not get better.
Anyway how's things with you? When will your wedding be, I can't remember.
Hi Meg :-)
angelicaheaven Posted Nov 25, 2003
Hi Meg
Well i am going to dishearten you now even more now, cos there isn't going to be a wedding now, well not with Stuart anyway.
You see we have broken up, but we are still friends though.
He was getting too possesive towardards me, and saying that i couldn't go amywhere without his permission.
I couldn't handle that at all, so i called it a day.
Anyway i have met someone new now, and he is my 2nd cousin called Allan.
I met him while i was over at the Isle of Man, when i went to my aunt's funeral.
I have been seeing him for nearly a month now, and i have so much fun with him.
He makes me laugh when i am down, and he said that he loves me even with all the ills thatt i have got.
I do hope that you find your ring Meg, cos i know what it is like.
I lost my grandads wedding ring once, cos i went into the sea with it on.
I think that is why my mum and i don't get on with each other, as aswell as other things especially my sisters.
I am sorry for taken so long replying to you, but since the upgrade de everything is coming up twice.
So i have to check ck it before i post it now, and it really is so annoying.
I hope that i have done it all, l, but if i haven't please forgive me.
Anyway i must go and say goodnight to everyone cos i am shattered.
I think i am more shattered is because i had a migraine earlier, and it has worn me out.
I even had a carrier bag stolen from the bus, and it had £5 worth of shopping in it
Anyway like i said i hope that you do find your ring, and my thoughts are with you.
Please take care of your self
Lot's of love going your way. xx**NATS*xx
Hi Meg :-)
Meg Posted Nov 25, 2003
Thanks Nats. Sorry to hear of the break-up but soooo glad you've found true love. I knew that my beloved was the right one because he makes me laugh. When I was having trouble with my mother and sisters he told me to tell them all to get back on their broomsticks it really cheered me up
Sorry to hear about the shopping was it food? There are some desperate people out there. Poor you, and a migraine as well. Get well soon. Hope to catch you next Monday
Hi Meg :-)
angelicaheaven Posted Nov 25, 2003
That's that's what are friends for, and you are a good friend.
Yes it was food aswell as little snacks for Alan, cos he takes them for his carry out.
Next time i will take the trolley, but i thought that it would have been ok, i guess i was wrong.
Allan is like that aswell, making me the happiest woman to be alive.
You are a lot like me with me going through a bad patch with my mum and sisters, but i am sure that we have had this discussion before in one of my my old pages.
Anyway you take good care of yourself, and be extra careful
Lot's of love going your way. xx*NATS*xx
Hi Meg :-)
Meg Posted Nov 25, 2003
Take care of yourself too I haven't discussed my family with you before but I'd be happy to swap
stories sometime. It's funny but when people meet me in person they often think they already know me. I think I'm an old soul who's been around a lot
Hi Meg :-)
angelicaheaven Posted Dec 5, 2003
Hiya Meg
I am so for only just getting back to you, it's bcos i am catching up with all my friends.
I am also for saying that i have spoken to you before about my family, but i guess i was mistaken lol
I have just realised it wasn't you i was talking to, it was honeypot (annette) lol
Yeah it would be great to swap stories, sbout both our families.
Anyway i had better go and start on my other threads hadn't i?
Take care until we speak again
Hi Meg :-)
Meg Posted Dec 15, 2003
I couldn't get back to you last week as I was off sick from work (the only place I have IT acess) but I'm back tonight.
I actually get on with my family now I'm older but it was hell until about 8 years ago. I think I've accepted them for what they are now and don't expect too much from them. It's a shame that there is still a distance between my younger sister and I as I was very close to her as a child
Is there a lot of bad feeling in your family currently?
What will you be doing over Christmas? I shall be avoiding my family as usual and just enjoy being with Beloved and the children
Hi Meg :-)
angelicaheaven Posted Dec 16, 2003
Hiya Meg
You don't get on well with your younger sister, well mine is my middle sister i don't get on with.
It's strange how familys fall apart from each other, cos one time we were all very close to one another.
Ever since my nan my mum's mum passed away, things haven't been the same since.
Then when my dad passed away, that's when everything went from bad to worse.
They hardly come down to see me, then when i go down to theirs they say to me *we haven't seen you here for awhile*.
Well that just takes the biscuit, and then i flip on them.
Next they are telling me to calm down, of all the ing cheek.
What will i be doing over christmas, is either going to the Isle of Man or staying here.
Oh well i will go for now, and i will explain some more what's been happening since you and i have been away.
Take care cos i care
Hi Meg :-)
Meg Posted Dec 16, 2003
Nats, We've only chatted briefly before and I'd like toknow more about you. your space didn't give me any clues, How old are you, where do you live? that sort of thing. I'm the middle sister and I'm sure I'm seen aas the trouble-maker of the family because I always speak my mind and people don't like that. I learned years ago to stop trying to please them and to please myself. It sounds selfish but I've been much happier. I'm not being horrid, it's more to do with seeing myself as just as important as them and being good to myself
Hi Meg :-)
angelicaheaven Posted Jan 17, 2004
Hiya Meg
I am so for not getting baxk to you, and now i feel dreadful for not doing so.
Well i feel the way you feel about your family, i think that at we could have been adopted lol
I always use to speak my mind at one time, but now i just don't say a word anymore.
Do you know something? Well you and everybody i speak to on here are my family now.
My cousin Alan is the only family member i do get on with, even though he is a pain in th the backside sometimes lol
Oh by the way i am 29 at the mo, but will be 30 come february the 2nd. i'm getting old
I come from the Isle of Man originally, but moved over here to liverpool when i was 6 months old.
Did you have a nice christmas andand new year, i hope that you had a better one than i did.
Oh well you will be back on Monday, and i can't wait for that day.
So i will catch you then
Take care cos i care and be extra safe too. xx**NATS*xx
Hi Meg :-)
Meg Posted Jan 19, 2004
It's not a problem that you have not been in touch. I rarely get to post as I only have acess one a week at work and I'm usually busy here. I usually only have time to lurk and maybe chat to one person
Sorry your christmas wasn't much fun. What did you do?
I didn't do much as I had to work at the hospital as usual so it didn't seen like a holiday. I did enjoy spending the day with my Beloved and our children though which was nice. I don't see my family over Christmas but we saw his family on the 27th which was good
It's all busy busy now preparing for the wedding on 16th February. I'm sure it will be nice but I'm getting a little stressed having to arrange it all
By the way, if you're old then I'm ancient. I am 10 years older than you
Hi Meg :-)
angelicaheaven Posted Jan 20, 2004
Hiya Meg
I wish that you had more than one day to come on here, cos i really like chatting to you cos we have so much in common.
Oh my christmas was alright i guess, but it could have been better.
I was on my own most of the day, cos my cousin Alan had to go to work.
I was even on my own on new years eve, so i had a few drinks which was ok.
Work work work that's all i hear from our Alan, then when i moan he says where's the money going to come from.
So it's not long for your wedding now i see, i bet you are getting so excited now
Isn't any one else helping you to arrange it, or is it just yourself doing it?
Your 10 years older than me then, i thought that you were younger than that.
Oh i forgot to tell you that i am back with Stuart, cos i realised i still love him.
Oh well if i don't hear from you later, i will most probably catch you next week.
So in the mean time please take care, and be extra safe too.
Hi Meg :-)
Meg Posted Jan 20, 2004
I wish I had more time to chat too but my Beloved works from home on the computer all day and usually plays games on it all night so I don't get a look-in. It is difficult at work because I'm usually busy doing medicals until midnight then I have a mealbreak and do filing etc until 6am so sometimes don't get chance to post at all.
I'm glad you're back with Stuart. I first met beloved when I was 17, we broke-up after a couple of years and got back together when I was 27. It's funny, but a fortune teller told me I'd marry someone that I'd known before (I wasn't in contact with him at that time). Hope all goes well for the two of you
Yes I am arranging the wedding myself. Luckily getting married abroad means that most of it will be arranged for me, but I had to arrange the legal paperwork, vaccinations, location, date etc. My headache currently is trying to arrange a party when we return. I'm not an organised person and Beloved is too laid back about the whole thing. I have a hall and a date but it is up to me to arrange invitations, music, catering, accomodation for guests and so on. And there's the wedding list to do I don't know about getting excited I haven't the time to think about it. I'm sure it will be wonderful once we land in SriLanka
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Hi Meg :-)
- 1: angelicaheaven (Nov 18, 2003)
- 2: Meg (Nov 25, 2003)
- 3: angelicaheaven (Nov 25, 2003)
- 4: Meg (Nov 25, 2003)
- 5: angelicaheaven (Nov 25, 2003)
- 6: Meg (Nov 25, 2003)
- 7: angelicaheaven (Dec 5, 2003)
- 8: Meg (Dec 15, 2003)
- 9: angelicaheaven (Dec 16, 2003)
- 10: Meg (Dec 16, 2003)
- 11: Meg (Dec 16, 2003)
- 12: angelicaheaven (Jan 17, 2004)
- 13: Meg (Jan 19, 2004)
- 14: angelicaheaven (Jan 20, 2004)
- 15: Meg (Jan 20, 2004)
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