This is the Message Centre for Ashtree

Hello Ashtree ...

Post 1


... and welcome to h2g2. smiley - smiley

I'm one of the <./>ACEs</.> (Assistant Community Editors). We are a team of volunteers who try to help new researchers for the guide find their way around. You can click on the link I made with that acronym in order to find out more. To find out more about anyone, click on the link made by their nickname (eg at the top of any conversation postings) to go to their personal space. Lurking is quite acceptable on h2g2. smiley - bigeyes

As a professional(?) lurker yourself, I suspect you don't need any help but I thought I'd drop by just in case. I noticed that you were using plain text in your personal space page to generate those <./>Smileys</.>. By switching to editing in GuideML instead, you would be able to use the larger graphics from the <./>GuideML-PictureLibrary</.>. Also, as a fan of Douglas Adams, have you thought to look at U42 yet...?

If you have a question, click on the reply link below and I'll be back. Otherwise, feel free to ignore this message. smiley - run

Hello Ashtree ...

Post 2


Thanks for your welcome.

It was my first go at a smiley - a credit to your help pages that it was easy! I am strictly an amateur lurker.

If i get some time i will look at guideML and learn. Thanks for the Links.

Hello Ashtree ...

Post 3


Well, if you are only a talented amateur lurker, here are a few more links you might like to try: smiley - winkeye

A660340 is a list of "Clubs and Societies" on h2g2. <./>Askh2g2</.> is a good place to start or join a random conversation. You could try the infinite improbability drive on the "Front Page" if you don't know where you want to go or <./>search</.> if you do. See the guide entries too important to be merely a number at <./>NamedEntries</.>. smiley - biggrin

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