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Post 1

EncyBass-: Not going to be around much next week, cos I've got a new job...

9.30- Bodyshop.



Post 2

Researcher 222130

yup, thats right and you made it, on time. Oh, what a day o' fun we had ! The whole e-mail thing has me all 'ICKED OUT' as he left he said, 'don't forget to reply to that e-mail' ask the EZZ-meister.
So have not too dull a day.
Grand Mosh Tarka was v.funny i worked with some great bods and never got to know them, boo hoo. Liz is beyond lovely, in a way i wish i could be. Notice how the people who think u're great never bother to show, Grrrrrrr.


Post 3

Researcher 222130

OH YEAH, I'm now Mystical Monkey


Post 4

EncyBass-: Not going to be around much next week, cos I've got a new job...

So, that's still all kindsa creepy.

And possibly kooky.

I don't think it's altogether ooky, though...

No, maybe it is.smiley - erm

Nice name by the way. I wouldn't let this bother you, to be honest. Remember- I'm a kitty, you're a kitty, I'm a kitty, you're a kitty...

I'm going to the sentinel office at dinner to grab a copy and hunt for a new job. I just can't work in this bloody place anymore. Today has just completely racked me off.

And before you say anything, no! I'm not just copying off you!

Later babe.


Post 5

EncyBass-: Not going to be around much next week, cos I've got a new job...

Yeah, one more thing..

"Notice how the people who think u're great never bother to show, Grrrrrrr. "

I'm probably being thick (amazing, I know. But it could happen), but what do you mean?


Post 6

Researcher 222130

yeah, y'are copying me ! and u're being thick.
Did ezzy show for her bass lesson last nite.

I just meant all the peeps that said we'll miss miss u, definately coming for a drink, didn't come.

But i had a great time in the bike shop. Went to buy small sproglet a new bike, ended up in Burslem, was offered 'bike lessons' from a v.tasty shop assistant, might take him up on them


Post 7

EncyBass-: Not going to be around much next week, cos I've got a new job...


Only saying that cuz I'm dead jealous.
smiley - biggrin
No, Ezzy Ezzbourne didn't show- she rung up and said she'd prefer to learn when she wasn't pissed. Which was lucky, really, cuz I bought more beer on the way home and got very drunk.

Ah well.
Fixed your seat yet? smiley - sorry my big arse broke it smiley - wah


Post 8

Researcher 222130

yes you big gallah, i did fix my seat and have just come back from my first official bike ride.

1: yes, i did fall off
2: ok, i fell off twice


Post 9

Researcher 222130

why r u jealsous ?? U must have gotten v.drunk (ha, ha, ha)


Post 10

EncyBass-: Not going to be around much next week, cos I've got a new job...

I'm jealous cuz you keep getting offers from people and I just get scary ladies wanting to eat my liver with kidney beans.

And yes- I did get very drunk. I was watching my wrestling 10.00 - 12.00. Fell asleep at about 11.00, but woke up at 3.00, which incidentally was halfway through the repeat of wrestling, so I didn't notice until it finished, and I was quite confused as I though that the show had lasted for 6 hours.

And I was covered in beer.

Of course, this morning I woke up 5 minutes before Mary came to pick me up. So you can imagine that I'm not the most fragrant member of the workforce today.

I'm all sticky!!!!!


Post 11

EncyBass-: Not going to be around much next week, cos I've got a new job...

By the way, I've just started my casework hour, so don't go away. I'll be all lonely if you do.....

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