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I can't be bothered to work on The CauLDron Tavern anymore... anyone want the job??????

If you do, then send me an e-mail to [email protected] and I'll get back to you...

Basically, the reason I have to stop doing this because I have a hectic college schedule at the mo and I REALLY REALLY want to finish off The Matrix Upgraded... as I have been pestered continuously about it...

So I won't be around here that much from now on... so it'll take longer for me to reply to any posts sent to me... but I'll do my best...

Thanks and also thanks to anyone who decides to take over the "building work" of the CauLDron...

Intern or Sian I would most likely give it to one of you... as I trust you both...

See ya...

Serjsmiley - devil

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Latest reply: Sep 9, 2003

Equilibrium (the film)

Have you not seen it yet??? are you mad???

This is a VERY under-rated, yet brilliant masterpiece of a film from who would seem to be a very talented director (Kurt Wimmer)

Equilibrium is by no means your typical HollyWood shoot'em up... or in any case, just a shoot'em up...

It actually HAS a plotline more than worthy of the screen...

Christian Bale plays the part of a man who is overwhelmed in a world without feeling... and he is one of the top members of an organisation dedicated to hunting down "Sense Offenders" and "eliminating them from the system"

The film starts off with you thinking, oh brilliant, some action... it really IS action... Christian Bale practices a style of Martial Arts and defencesive maneuvoures(I think) that allow him to basically take out a room full of people, without being touched...

Okay, so I'm spoiling it too much here... one thing...

SEE IT!!!!... it's out on DVD to rent and buy... I've watched it endless times now...

A pretty good contender to the Matrix in certain respects...

Thanks for reading...

Serjsmiley - devil

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Latest reply: Sep 3, 2003

The CauLDron Tavern... opening soon... and looking for staff...

Hello there readers... I'm currently in the creating process of "The CauLDron Tavern"... kind of like the "FoLDers" and "Boars Head" but created in a different sort of way...

Now... luckily for me, the everhelpful Loup and Manda have given their consent for me to go ahead with this project... sooooo...

Before it opens I am looking for some h2g2 members to come and work for me at the CauLDron...

Management, barwork, cleaning, cooking, serving, bouncer work...

So I'll be looking forward to seeing your replies and a little CV is all you need to give...

smiley - cheers

Serjsmiley - devil creator of the "CauLDron Tavern"

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Latest reply: Aug 28, 2003

One of the best philosophies on women I've ever heard...

"I don't trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn't die"

Mr. Mackey "South Park" Character...


(recieves slap from every woman in my house... that would be four... mum, sam, kate and.... my "brother" Adam)

Serjsmiley - devil

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Latest reply: Aug 25, 2003

The peace has been restored... rejoice, get drunk and get stoned!!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh... as a thankful sigh of relief returns to my body I must say that the last 3 or 4 weeks has been very hectic and over-crowded and so I can understand why some people can "kick-off" under pressure...

But over the last 4 or 5 days I've been working to restore the peace throughout my "loving family" and now....... it's back, wahey... my uncle/auntie and their kids have gotten an excellent place to live in now... after just three or four weeks of being back in Southend they've gotten a place... right on the BEACH OF SOUTHEND!... now some might say that's no big deal blah blah blah, but it is to them... his kids have NEVER seen the sea before... as they used to live in Yorkshire and so they've never been to a beach etc... so we're all relieved and delighted that everything's now sorted out and that all is "normal" with the world again...

I stayed at my uncles place Tuesday/Wednesday night and yes it was okay....... but....... sleeping there is a bit of a problem... noise.......... it's right on the beach... that's the only problem... oh... and parking... but that's getting sorted...

So we are all happy now and apart from a bunch of Wallys from Bradford trying to find a B&B on Wednesday night and a guy who was completely wasted out of his head and was saying he was kidnapped the night before... it was fun...

I'm off to my bed now because I'm knackered...

See ya...

Serjsmiley - devil

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Latest reply: Aug 22, 2003

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