This is the Message Centre for Gaynor


Post 1


Afternoon Gaynor

hope you are having a good day in France.

am resorting to using h2g2 as a means of communicating as the food board has mysteriously disapeared!smiley - wah

hope you have lots of foodie treats lined up for xmas.



Post 2


Ooh 'allo ! I only just saw this....! How nice !

Yep, the Christmas preparations are in full swing. I decided to stay in France this Christmas...I love the French preparations and the shops full of foie gras and capons and christmas logs...... and the Christmas market on the port of Cannes, with the boats in the backround, and the early morning market full of live lobsters and bunches of mimosa and corsican clementines, and the candelit cribs in the small villages...etc...etc...The atmosphere is quite unique, and as I'm not working at the mo' I'm making the most of it.....

I'm spending Christmas Day with friends, 6 gorgeous single ladies (like wot I am ! LOL) and we are all bringing something. I am taking a side of smoked salmon and blinis with cream cheese. And I am making some dates and agen prunes stuffed with roquefort and wrapped in smoky bacon to have with a glass of champagne.... Yum ! I'll take my Robbie Williams CD along too for a bit of background music... !

I hope you and JJ have a wonderful Christmas, and spoil each other to death...Hugs n'luv n'stuff to both of you !

Gaynor xxx

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