This is the Message Centre for Gaynor

swing songs

Post 1


hi Gaynor

its neil or sun-of-essex

i remeber you were looking for some robbie williams swing songs a while ago, did you have any luck finding them?

am sure i can do a file transfer if you want or send you something in the post.

sounds like you had a fab time at Ians, wish we had been there toosmiley - wah bu ti had just started a new job

maybe next time



swing songs

Post 2


Hi Neil !! I would indeed love to have all those rat pack songs by RW.... If you have them, how could we do this... I would love you forever... and even cook you one of my specialities... LOL

swing songs

Post 3



re RW and swing, email me at [email protected] and i will sort out traks for you as dont wan to do it on BBC site!


swing songs

Post 4


You are a star !! I just mailed you... Thanks !

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