This is the Message Centre for smurfles

quick Visit!!!

Post 1


Hello to my old friends....just a quick visit,hopeing everyone is keeping well!!!!!I havr been a little pre-occupied the last few weeks,but fully intended to pop in before then,and didnt get round to it!!!!There doesnt seem to be a lot of people around just now...but to those who have my e-mail addy,please get in touch.....i do miss everyone!!!!Till them ..smiley - hugs from me!!!xxx

quick Visit!!!

Post 2

Reality Manipulator

Hello Sal, I used to have your email addy but I've lost it.smiley - hug

Take care,


quick Visit!!!

Post 3


Me too! Oh it's so nice to have you back Smurfles smiley - hug

quick Visit!!!

Post 4

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hi Everyone,

I wasn't online over the weekend and missed you all! smiley - wah

Take care smiley - smoochsmiley - hug

lil xx

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