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What's in your cupboard??

Post 1


I just read a posting on a thread,that made me think about all the things we buy that we don't really need."Cheerul dragon" pointed out that the basics for house cleaning used to consist of four or five items,so i had a look through the cleaning stuff in my cupboard!!
Glass cleaner
furniture polish spray
furniture polish wipes
washing up liquid
dishwasher tablets
antiseptic telephone wipes
tv and computer screen wipes
air freshener(to mask smells)
air freshener(to eradicate smells)
floor cleaner
soap powder
fabric conditioner
oven cleaner
bin liners
microwave and fridge cleaner
leather cleaner
cream to remove marks on wood
spare hand wash
I can't believe it!!
What do you have in your "cleaning cupboard??

What's in your cupboard??

Post 2

Moving On

Bleach (for everything that isn't wooden and needs cleaning)
Lots of soft cloths
Squirty polish for when I'm feeling lazy
Old fashioned wax polish for when I'm not
Some form of leather upholstery polish and a tired pot of saddle soap
A rather nasty, bottle of Jif with an encrusted lid
Wahing powder
Dishwasher tablets(and half a bag of salt stuff)
Shoe polish
Caustic Soda for the plug holes
Something that I'm advised is good for cleaning ovens (I'll find out if it is, one day)

and for some reasen a copy of The Times dated 15th October 2003

No... I'm not sure why, either, but its there and its not hurting me any!

But then, its a small cupboard.

Don't for god's sake any one ask what I've got in my drawerssmiley - winkeye

What's in your cupboard??

Post 3

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - laugh There's no room in my drawers for owt... lol...
As for me cleanin' cupboard, I'll let you know when I can get in there without things fallin' out... smiley - biggrin
A good tip for dust... If it can be damp ragged, then wring your rag out in warm water with a drop of fabric softener... It helps keep dust at bay for longer.... It does work... smiley - smiley

What's in your cupboard??

Post 4


Thanks sheryl!I shouldn't have dust with all this cleaning stuff,but i understand the getting in the cupboard bit,oh,and i do have dust.... lots of it!!smiley - blush

What's in your cupboard??

Post 5

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hi Sal... smiley - hug We finally got round to ridding ourselves of the antique dust... smiley - laugh A 3 man Used the fabric softener trick... It worked before, so hopefully.................... smiley - smiley
Hope you are well... smiley - love xxx

What's in your cupboard??

Post 6

aka Bel - A87832164

I have no idea what's in my cupboard - stuff my mom gave me when I last visited, so I just put it in the cupboeard as it was, and never had another look at it smiley - rofl - that's about two years ago now - I really shoulds throw it all in the dustbin. smiley - erm

What's in your cupboard??

Post 7


hi everyone.

we are going through a stage of having a good clearout of EVERY cupboard and shelf and fridge/freezer.

its something i do occasionally, but i thought it was a more regular thing that some of the dates on the items say smiley - blue

im finding things that are anything up to 3 years old and not usable. the latest was the cereal cupboard. i have loads of stale shredded wheat smiley - laugh
we have fads of buying things to try and never get around to trying them and then its too late...

as for the cleaning cupboard.
i tend to stick to one cleaner for everything..
one tin of spray polish for the wooden things..
several biottles of assorted wondow cleaners as i can never find one that leaves the windows cleaner than when i start on them.
and bleach if needed..

smiley - rose

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