This is the Message Centre for smurfles


Post 21

Moving On

Waves to everyone

Morning Sal - just a quick drop in - have you got thru your labarynth yet? smiley - hug

The scarf arrived this morning

Thank you thank you thank you - it's absolutly brill - and it don't half ripple!

You ARE a love

smiley - ok


Post 22

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi sal

hoped you get it sussed, been onto support they say they havent altered the main page link, so it must be something tw as done with the introduction of the video thing they have now jimsmiley - disco


Post 23


Hi're very welcome....glad it ripples !!
Jim,looks like last posting for a few days again,now i'm really fed up.smiley - sadfaceJust trying to sort out what to do next.....just e-mailed you,lost your number ....again!!


Post 24


Well,here i am ,back again.smiley - somersaultsmiley - applause
This coming and going is no good for my vertigo,don't know whether i'm on my head or my heels!!
Do know i'm in h2 though!!smiley - biggrin


Post 25

aka Bel - A87832164

Hope you'll find a way to stay smiley - goodluck

smiley - lovensmiley - hugs



Post 26


Hi Sal,

I was thinking yesterday that I hadn't seen any posts from you in a while.

I didn't go to the London meet this time - the fact that there was no picnic discouraged me slightly, plus I couldn't really afford the train fare this month PLUS I had been invited somewhere else the same day. I went to watch a rock band (two members of whom are the sons of one of my work mates). I had a really good eveningsmiley - ok.

Nice to see you around again.



Post 27

aka Bel - A87832164

Hi lizzbet, I met with MMF in Hyde Park , no picnic though, just walking up and down the Serpentine several times because I have no orientation smiley - laugh
Next time, we really should get organised and meet in Hyde Park with all of those who don't want to go to the pub that early.smiley - ok


Post 28


smiley - okB'Elana. Did you go to the exhibition before going to the pub?


Post 29

aka Bel - A87832164

Yes, I did, and it was nice. It's not worth going if you haven't seen the movie, though, it was all related to the movie, as if there had never been a very successful TV series . smiley - erm I must admit that I preferred the TV series to the movie, my husband fell asleep in the cinema, so now go figure smiley - laugh
The meet was great, and I think this time I enjoyed it far more than the last, for many reasons, one of them being that I had several hours to talk first to one person - getting used to the language a bit, before meeting the whole group. smiley - ok

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