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Post 21

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Hoping they do in fact show up tomorrow as scheduled and will sort EVERYTHING out!! Fingers crossed, can't wait to hear back from you with the update.


Post 22


Hi all.the decoraters are due at lunch time todaysmiley - biggrin
At 8.30 a.m.the phone rung,a loud gentelman telling me they would be here about 10.30a.m.smiley - yawnWe had a late night last night!!smiley - yawn,I was still in bed.
I dragged myself downstairs,still in my night attire(NOT a pretty picture),and within five minutes they were ringing the doorbell.So,theyre are now two men,tramping up and down the staircase,with hammer,nails,and white paint.Off to check thatthings are still in one piece!!smiley - run


Post 23

psychocandy-moderation team leader

How did things work out?


Post 24


Good morning PC, the work was eventually done,VERY nice men i must add,and they even vacced my staircase when they'd finished.smiley - applauseIt looks okay so far,but i have a distinct feeling they might have painted the loft cover"shut"
It was a beautiful day yesterday,so hubby went straight out in the garden after eating.I think it's just a matter of time before he turns into a ranting"victor meldrew".Fingers crossed he won't want to go up there for a couple of days!!!


Post 25


Glad to hear you got at least some of your own back, sal.

The last guy I paid to paint my bathroom left more paint all over the room than what was on the walls (I usually paint myself but was feeling a bit lazy and he gave me a - ha! - 'good price'). Never again.

The last guys who my landlord contracted to replace some plumbing did an okay job after they broke big holes in the ceiling, etc - they always swept up afterwards and I just had to mop up to get rid of the dust. But of course, my landlord wouldn't pay to have the newly plastered holes repainted! smiley - cross So I had to do that myself, as well as paint over the many grubby fingerprints they left on the walls.

smiley - sigh



Post 26

psychocandy-moderation team leader

The last serviceperson my landlord contracted for me (to fix the furnace and air conditioner last year) left behind a huge turd in the pot. smiley - cross

Glad to hear that you've at least got the work done, somewhat satisfactorily!


Post 27


Im glad that i arent the only one to complain about workmen!!!I really could tell a horror story if i wanted to keep this thread going.After we had an insurance claim for subsidence it took six....yep six YEARS for them to get it right!!!!


Post 28

Researcher U1025853

6 years, you have to tell us that one! smiley - yikes

I am glad to hear they finally came round and put things right, even if 2 hours early, which makes a change from the usual late!

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