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4th JULY 2006

Post 1


I just wanted to saysmiley - disco "HAPPY 4TH JULY"smiley - disco to all my friends,and their friends,who are celebrating today!!!Hope you all have a wonderful daysmiley - hugs,smiley - cuddlessmiley - bubbly

4th JULY 2006

Post 2


Did I miss something?? What's to celebrate?? smiley - biggrin

4th JULY 2006

Post 3

Moving On

Its American Independence Day today, S'hh. Come on over to the other thread and I'll get you a smiley - stiffdrink and virtual smiley - ale to cover your momentary lapse in Global Awarenesssmiley - winkeye

On a totally different tack, 4th July was the Due Date it was predicted that Son no 1 was due to be born, 19smiley - yikes years ago which is oddly enough, why the 4th July sticks in my memory.

He finally made his appearance after a 48 hour dry labour on the 9th July.

That sort of sticks on the memory a bit, too!smiley - smiley

4th JULY 2006

Post 4

Moving On

Which reminds me - I *must* remember to go out and buy the little dear a card and some form of acceptable present before Sunday!

4th JULY 2006

Post 5


smiley - run

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