This is the Message Centre for smurfles


Post 1


I found time this morning to have a lurk ,and realised that i have been neglecting my friends on h2g2smiley - sadface
I have been researching for the family tree,which started originally about four year ago(not the tree,of course)but have spent as much time as possible on the computer,which has only served to give me a lot of health problems!!!
I already had a basic tree to begin with,but found that one of my direct lines siblings had nine children,which set me off on another path!smiley - cdouble
I had to buy hubby a new supply of ink,as i had printed so much outsmiley - laugh,and i am even more curious about relatives now,but i really need to spend more time keeping up with my friends.
I'm smiley - sorry if i've neglected anyone,but i'll be around a bit more in future!smiley - hugs.


Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164

Hellosal, nice to hear from you smiley - hug
I have had trouble with my internet access recently, and the last few days I've been really busy with peer review, so hardly found the time to stay in touch with friends, which means, that I didn't notice much if somebody else wasn't around smiley - blush
My mum has done researches for the family tree, I guess I'm not yet mature enough to start doing them myself smiley - laugh


Post 3

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hi Sal!

Nice to see you!

Don't worry about us, as long as you are enjoying yourself.. the rest of us will just sit about and wait for you to remember us.. smiley - cry

smiley - laugh


Post 4

aka Bel - A87832164

Madam, really smiley - cross Instead of sitting about and twiddling thimbs, you'd rather get those photos sent smiley - winkeye


Post 5

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - yikes.... Oodle flip.. I will try again!! smiley - run


Post 6

aka Bel - A87832164

Does it mean you tried and it failed ? Try top send several mails, with only a few pics attached to each, that should work -I hope. smiley - ok

smiley - zen


Post 7

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

..I will try again later.. must get ready to see Dad now.. *waves* smiley - smiley


Post 8

aka Bel - A87832164

Have a good day smiley - smiley


Post 9

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hi Sal... smiley - hug Don't worry about us luv, we're all old enough n ugly enough to look after ourselves.. smiley - laugh
Just you take care of yourself now.. smiley - teasmiley - cake


Post 10


Hello Sal!

I'm glad you're still aroundsmiley - smiley. I looked through my friends list last weekend, and half the people on it haven't been on hootoo at all for two months or more, so I was starting to think there had been some sort of mass exodus.

Have you looked at the Surname Profiling website? It doesn't give a tremendous amount of information really, but it is quite interesting if you've got an unusual surname, to compare where people with that name lived in 1881 to the 1998 information. One of the names I looked at had spread more widely through the country, but the other hadn't moved at all!

I'm supposed to be helping my Mum with some of the research she was doing into my Dad's family, but I never seem to get around to it. Too busy watching 'Who Do You Think You Are'smiley - smiley - just how fascinating is that programme?!

Chat again soon, I hope.


Post 11


Hi Liz,so nice to hear from you.I found a site for records of biths etc,and it's fantastic.Just put freeBMD into your search box,and there's so much information!!!I found one of my great grandfathers siblings,of course i was straying away from the blood line...being nosey....but she married and had 9children!!I've managed to find the married names of a couple of them,and even their children,so before long i might find some that are still living.Our little family could turn out to be quite large!!!If there's anything you want looking up.let me know..i'll send my e-mail addy if you want to use it...and if i can help i will do.I've missed a few of the programmes,but i saw the sheila hancock was quite sad really.Look forward to chatting again soon,I really will have to keep up with h2 more!!smiley - hug


Post 12


Hi, Sal,

I thought I hadn't seen you around lately. Glad you are smiley - ok. I have friends who are researching their family trees, and it seem s to me that it is highly addictive. I have thought about doing it myself but haven't the time.

The other thing is I would have to go back a hundred years to make my first step really. My parents would be 106 and 103 if still alivesmiley - yikes and the rest of my family has gone, with only one in her late 80s surviving. There are some complications in the family too which would make it a bit of a nightmare, though fascinating.

I guess I shall have to continue wondering. smiley - smiley

smiley - goodluck with your efforts. I f you find anything really interesting or historical please do let us know! I found 'Who do you think you are?' compulsive viewing, but haven't caught all of them yet.

Websailorsmiley - dragon


Post 13


HI there WS.The family tree thing is fascinating,and you only need to spend as much time on it as you can feel comfortable with.Ihave been stuck with a gt,gt,gt,gt gran for about four years,so have taken a different route until summer,when i'll get hubbyto take me to the place i might find the records i want.She was born in 1783/1786 ,and has proved elusive so far.I've uncovered a definite odd side to some of the family,but nothing too drastic.I'll let you knw if i find i have royal blood!!!!smiley - hug


Post 14

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

SO.......That's where you've been!smiley - goodluck
smiley - smiley
Thanks for the email today ,I'll write back soon.


Post 15


I'll look forward to hearing from yousmiley - hug!

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