This is the Message Centre for smurfles

msg from darrell....

Post 1

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hi sal... i've just come online and there was a message from darrell... the poor soul's been in hospital for a month with pnuemonia, even had to have his lungs drained... yuk...
he asked if i would let you know, and he'll soon be back into the swing of things..
well msg passed on to you, did it straight away so that i wouldn't forget... smiley - biggrin
hope you are well luv... take care, luv sheryl.... smiley - hug xxxxxxxxx

msg from darrell....

Post 2


thanks a lot sheryl.poor darrell,i thought he was quiet recently,but just assumed it must be the pc again.i hope he is soon back online,and that he's feeling loads better.i'll e-mail him as soon as i have a minute.smiley - hugs and kisses for him when he reads this!!!and a bunch of of smiley - rose to cheer him up!!!!!!!xxxxx

msg from darrell....

Post 3

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hi Sal...
Darrell's message to me wasn't on this thread so don't know if he'll read this one, but as you're going to e.mail him then it doesn't matter eh...
I wondered if it was his pc playing up, but then I did start to worry, call it a gut instinct or whatever...
Did Abbi know coz I don't recall her saying anything...
Hope you are well Sal... smiley - hugsmiley - tea

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