Journal Entries

MS Blaster

After hearing various pieces of information about the recent MS Blaster worm that has being trying to attack the windows update website, I got to thinking:...

Why is it that Microsoft have such an infamy to do with the security and stability (or lack of them) of their systems, and their bug ridden programs?

Well, this is obviously because their systems are unstable and insecure, and their programs are full of bugs.

But what I can't figure is: Microsoft have got to be THE biggest software development company EVER. They must be over twice the size of a company like Apple, or Adobe, and must have over 100 times the money to throw around.

So what is it that all their thousands of employees do all day? And what is it that all the billions of dollars get spent on?

The only plausible theory that I have heard, is that the bulk of the Microsoft work force is in the complaints department...

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Latest reply: Aug 22, 2003

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