This is the Message Centre for azahar


Post 1501

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Okkkaayy. Today's topic: What to do when one cat is getting really jealous of the other?

The last couple of days, Rocket has started blocking me when I try to pet Missy. She gets so little attention, and I want her to know she's special too. However, she's not in to being petted at the best of times, and with Rocket pacing in front of her when I try, it's very frustrationg. smiley - grr At least, I'm assuming it's jealousy, as he watches for a couple of minutes, then interferes. smiley - erm

Any suggestions?



Post 1502

Lady in a tree

A very common problem SC (Happy New Year btw)

Charlie has always been the jealous one. If I was on the bed fussing Jake, Charlie would jump on and squeeze in between us getting a wash from Jake in the process.

He now does the same with Tasha. I usually push Charlie away a bit, but only arms length. That way I can fuss him as well. He'll put up with that for a while and then get up and squeeze in again. Tasha usually does what Jake used to do - wash Charlie's head. It normally ends up in a scrap!

I'd suggest that you pet Missy extra when Rocket isn't around. It's not crucial though - as cats just know they're loved, they don't need as much fuss as we like to think they do!!!

Right at this moment Tasha is running around the house like a mad thing trying to get Charlie (who is snoozing on the sofabed here) to play! She keeps running in and chirruping at him and then running out again. He ain't playing though...oh wait...he's just jumped off the bed and he's ...smiley - yikes just been jumped on and they're off smiley - run

smiley - biggrin

I smiley - lovesmiley - cats


Post 1503

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Lady In A Tree: "I'd suggest that you pet Missy extra when Rocket isn't around. It's not crucial though - as cats just know they're loved, they don't need as much fuss as we like to think they do!!!"

Kinda hard to do, as Rocket and Missy are almost inseparable, except early in the morning when I have no clue where Missy has got off to. smiley - winkeye I'll try to do as you suggest, Lady!

I have an ongoing program of trying to get Missy to let me at least pick her up, without struggle, for at least a minute and a half -- anticipating an emergency (say, after an earthquake or in case of fire), when I'll have to stuff two cats into cat carriers, or just one cat who's ill.

I believe it was Mudhooks who made a good suggestion to feed Missy a treat everytime I pick her up, so she'll associate the pick-up with something she loves. Currently I don't have any cat treats, but hope to pick some up soon. (I'm out of work so I only have money for necessities, ATM).



Post 1504


Tough one, SC. It's not a problem I've ever had. As you know, Lua hated me petting her (well, so she would have me believe, the truth was that I had to cuddle her on *her* terms - usually while she was sleeping on my head). In any case, she never showed any jealousy.

And the boys, although getting a bit more territorial these days, don't seem to interfere with each other's 'cuddle time' with me or Noggin. So I don't know what to suggest.

I do understand you wanting to get Missy used to you picking her up 'in case of emergency' - I went through a similar thing with Azar and it took ages before he would let me pick him up at all. These days I keep him 'in practice' by making sure I pick him up every now again just for a minute or two. I walk around the room with him in my arms and cuddle him. He also likes being shown stuff out the window from the higher vantage point. I should think that when Missy is being held in your arms that Rocket isn't able to get at her or interfere - so maybe just try doing that more often for now?

Isn't it curious how the sweet head-licking thing usually turns into a fight? smiley - biggrin Usually one of them starts it off while the other is asleep and before I know it they are locked together like two wrestlers rolling all over the place. Then one of them (usually Sunny) starts biting and it's all over with Azar howling and running away . . . only to then incessantly mieow from the other room, trying to get Sunny to chase him. Ah well, it's a bit of exercise at least . . .




Post 1505

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Yeah, the grooming thing does seem to set it off. smiley - laugh I only get involved if it seems like someone's getting really hurt.

I had 3 girl cats living together before I got these two: Gremlin was the largest/most territorial (a Calico, of course!) and used to have hissing/growling/beat 'em up fights with the other two. Later I found out she had diabetes and liver disease and was so foul-tempered due to being ill. smiley - sadface They used to play together pretty peacefully except when Gremlin exerted her precedence, before she got sick.



Post 1506


Howsit going with the jealousy thing, SC?

Territorial wars are still going strong over here but there haven't been any more poo incidents lately (touch wood) - just the occasional vomiting, which mostly happens on the bedroom floor, usually around 7am. Though I did wake up early the other morning to the sound of those two/three warning *horks* and, quite unceremoneously and promptly, tossed Sunny off the bed.

But the territorial wars are getting quite interesting. It's like they are swapping personalities or something. Sunny ends up wanting to crawl under the duvet to sleep and Azar will hog the end of the bed at times - Sunny's usual doggie 'guard cat' position - or else Azar will climb on top of me while I'm lying on my side (another Sunny trick). Meanwhile, for the past four nights or so, Sunny has taken over Lua's old spot in bed - on my pillow - and has spent the past few nights fast asleep curled up next to my head. It's actually quite sweet except for the occasional battle that happens whenever Azar either wants to go under or come out from under the duvet (same general head area).

A couple of nights ago I woke up around 3am. Azar was curled up under the duvet at my side, between my chest and waist (way better than a hot water bottle!). Then I became aware of Noggin lightly snoring to the right of me and *also* Sunny snoring away on the other side. STEREO. Well, anyhow, made me laugh.

It is rather weird that Sunny has suddenly taken up Lua's old spot in bed - it's been vacant now for well over a year. And that the two boys keep vying for bed and sofa positions. The fun never stops . . .



Post 1507

Spaceechik, Typomancer

>>Howsit going with the jealousy thing, SC?

Well, it's calm at the moment, in fact the terrible two are sleeping curled up behind my on the bed, heads resting on each other... The ridiculous thing is how long it took me to realize that's what was going on; 90% of the time, these two could be on a cat calendar, they're so (almost) nauseatingly cute. But let me try to pet Missy to give her equal time, and Rocket does the pacing-back-and-forth-in-front-of-the-human thing. Also, Missy will get on the seat or under my computer chair when it's pushed under the desk, to keep him from getting at her, except from the front, when he's in a mood... smiley - erm So, I guess the short answer is "it's still going."

>>Territorial wars are still going strong over here but there haven't been any more poo incidents lately (touch wood)<<
Thank the Lord or the great PooBah or whomever...

>> Though I did wake up early the other morning to the sound of those two/three warning *horks* and, quite unceremoneously and promptly, tossed Sunny off the bed.<<
smiley - laugh Some actions are universal!!

>>...It's actually quite sweet except for the occasional battle that happens whenever Azar either wants to go under or come out from under the duvet (same general head area).<<
I hope you and Noggin got some armored ear guards for Christmas!

>>...Then I became aware of Noggin lightly snoring to the right of me and *also* Sunny snoring away on the other side. STEREO. Well, anyhow, made me laugh.<<
Ahhhh, Harmony. smiley - winkeye

>>It is rather weird that Sunny has suddenly taken up Lua's old spot in bed - it's been vacant now for well over a year. And that the two boys keep vying for bed and sofa positions. The fun never stops . . .<<
Well, it could be worse -- They're filling some dominant little pawprints there, they could also have become cranky into the bargain!

Hope you have a great weekend, *all* of you!



Post 1508

Spaceechik, Typomancer

>>curled up behind my on the bed<<

*sneaks in, grabs an unruly "y" and replaces it with a proper "e", then roughly drags the struggling "y" out...*



Post 1509


A couple of photos of my boys (all three of them) snug in bed late on a chilly Sunday winter morning . . .



Post 1510

Spaceechik, Typomancer


It looks like your two furry boys to not want the big guy to get up, is what it looks like! They've got him pinned... smiley - biggrin



Post 1511

psychocandy-moderation team leader

What a great photo! Everyone looks so comfy! smiley - biggrin


Post 1512

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

That is the WEIRDEST looking cat I have EVER seen in my life!.... Oh... that's Noggin! Sorry...


Post 1513


Pretty good cat impersonation, eh? Sometimes fools me too . . . smiley - winkeye



Post 1514


Wasn't really sure where to put this, but since it's about animals this seems as good a place as any. All together now . . . awwwwww!

smiley - smiley



Post 1515

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Can you say "fattening up"?


Post 1516

Spaceechik, Typomancer

I perfer to view life as being full of peaceful possiblities -- but, all the same, hope no one forgets to bring the snake dinner on time!



Post 1517


Next time anyone sees something weird posted by either Noggin or me I think we know who to blame . . .



Post 1518

Lady in a tree

smiley - smiley


Post 1519


smiley - laugh

Excellent comment, Lady!


*waves to logicus* . . . no, Noggin's feet definitely DO NOT have the same effect on me! smiley - biggrin


Post 1520

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Well, WE'VE had an adventurous little day here.

Over the past couple of days I noticed that there was less, ummmm, formerly liquid stuff in the kitty pan. Couldn't figure out who was not contributing, so off we all went to the vet's this morning, bright and early. My friend and her daughter came over expecting to have to help trap the little devils, but I took the advice on this thread (thank you, one and all!), so they were both snugged up in carriers when my ride arrived.

Turns out, Missy is just fine, fit as a feline fiddle, even though she got a back-up pill for her previous worming. Little hussy tried to bite the vet, when he succeeded on the second try. smiley - erm

Rocket seems to have a mild urinary tract infection, and now I have to give him half a pill every morning, for the next 2+ weeks. Oh joy. If anyone has any tricks beyond the tilt the head back, open the jaws and fling said pill at the *V* at the back, I'd love to hear them.

Got home in a taxi -- I wish I had a photo of the driver's face when he spotted the *two* carriers! smiley - laugh


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