This is the Message Centre for azahar


Post 1401

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I'm so glad to hear that those nasty little f***ers have stopped coming around. I can imagine it will take a while to stop feeling creeped out. smiley - hug


Post 1402

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Glad to hear they've decided to leave you alone, Az. But your landlord should try do something, even if he thinks it's pointless. Doing nothing guarantees you'll have the damn little squatters.

I saw the strangest roach ever, a couple of days ago, which I believe I can attribute to my next door neighbor's habit of taking off for points unknown, and leaving things out. When he returns, he first takes large trash bags down to the dumpster -- and since he wasn't there accumulating said trash, I can only assume he left it when he took off. smiley - erm

The roach in question was very nearly transparent (and fortunately very small)! I got him, but Ewwwwwwwwww. All I need is nearly invisible roaches. with my crappy eyesight! Ickickickick!



Post 1403


That does sound ewwwwwww - almost as bad as when they fly .

Well, thank goodness for cooler weather and thick terrycloth bathrobes. Just finished giving Azar's ears a cleaning. He was squirming so much that the seat of the chair he was on fell off (don't ask) and I suddenly had the Tasmanian Devil in my arms. After a short and futile struggle he ended up literally flying across the room, then landed and skidded to a halt under the table.

I managed to get away with only one small (but rather deep) scratch on my arm but my thick terrycloth bathrobe now has two rather large rips in it. smiley - erm

Luckily I only have to do this twice a month now. . .



Post 1404

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Flying tops the Ewwwwwwww list by a mile, Az!!! I'll take the albino ones any day [if I *have* to choose!].

How much longer will Azar need dosing, and does Sunny need the twice a month regimen as well? Might want to enlist Noggin next time. smiley - smiley



Post 1405

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I can relate to that kind of struggle. Last time I gave Herman a bath, I wished afterward I'd worn gauntlets. Possibly an entire chain mail suit.

Amazing how such sweet little charmers can turn into hissing, spitting demon balls of fury so quickly.


Post 1406



Um, well actually . . . he is always there to hand me the bottle of ear cleaning liquid and the gauze to swab the ears out and paper towels to dry their little heads after they shake the liquid out all over everything (including me). I hold the beast down on a chair and administer the stuff. The real fault lies with the stupid chair seat that fell out of the chair when Azar started struggling. Anyhow, ten days until I have to do it again . . .

Meanwhile . . . Sunny isn't well. Woke up to the sound of him vomiting, which isn't all that unusual with him as it happens from time to time. But then after he ate brekky he brekky he brought that all up and continued to vomit throughout the morning, and the last time it was rather bloody bile! smiley - yikes So it was Sunny's turn to taxi over to Maria's.

She took blood to test his kidneys and liver. Seems his kidneys are functioning okay but he has a high level of some enzyme or other in his liver which indicates slight liver damage. smiley - sadface

So . . . he was given some injections of stuff to stop the vomiting and he can't eat anything until tomorrow, at which point I'm supposed to start him on medication for his liver for a month. If the next blood test then shows the enzyme level has gone down then it will mean it was simply something Sunny ate that caused the stomach upset, but Maria thinks it's a chronic liver problem due to 'old age' (Sunny is 12 now). In which case he will have to stay on the liver medication for the rest of his life.

But Maria said smiley - dontpanic , that often cats diagnosed with this problem at Sunny's age can go on to live until they are 20 as long as they stay on the medication.

So of course now I am feeling terribly guilty for not bringing Sunny in for annual checkups (xray and blood tests), especially now that he's older. Because Maria thinks he's had this problem for awhile. Well, it would have simply meant him going on the meds sooner, so I hope we've caught it in time so that no serious damage has been done. Again, Maria says although there is some liver damage it doesn't look too bad right now.

Do you guys take your cats in for annual checkups, including xrays and blood tests?



Post 1407

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Yeah, but Herman's a month overdue, and he needs his shots. He chomped me good yesterday, reminding me to take him for his rabies shot as well.


Post 1408

psychocandy-moderation team leader

How did I lose the rest of that post?

I really hope Sunny's medication helps him. I particularly hope it was just something he ate. smiley - catsmiley - hug


Post 1409


I also hope it was something he ate (though this seems unlikely as he only ever eats his little biscuits) as the meds cost 60 euros a month! smiley - yikes

Have just started him on them today as it took two days for the vomiting to stop (and the poor thing wasn't allowed to eat). Well, part of that was my fault, I think, as I gave him too much brekky yesterday morning after the first day of fasting. Which came right back up again. So Maria told me to keep him on the fast for another day.

At least there is no problem giving Sunny the pills. If I mash them up in a bit of paté he just wolfs it down (especially when he's half starved). So, one pill of one med in the morning and two of a second med in the evening. I think Maria said I'd only have to keep him on one of the meds permanently (if it comes to that). Sure hope it's the 20 euro one rather than the one that costs 40 euros.

smiley - erm



Post 1410

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Az, I hope Sunny is feeling better soon, poor little guy. Does Sunny seem fairly comfortable when not being medicated, or does he seem aware of feeling punk? I hope the fuss doesn't cause a set-back with Azar. I'll be thinking of the boys, and wishing them well. smiley - cheerup

If I added up what I've spent on my cats over the years it would probably stun me for a week. Fortunately, I've never had a little furball who wasn't worth it ten times over. They're such good company.

Er...and now something in a lighter but related mode...

I learned something new today. smiley - smiley

I learned that my @rse is indistinguishible from a small toy dinosaur at 4 am. Who knew?

I yelled so loud my neighbor called to make sure I was okay, and the budding paleontologist hid under the bed for 15 minutes. smiley - laugh

I gave him his favorite food for brekkie, to make up for scaring him. Now all I need is a treat to keep a small spot on my bottom from smarting...some smiley - choc perhaps.

Keep the Friends of Lua and Family posted on Sunny's progress, Az.

SC er, no, make that... CS


Post 1411


Sunny keeps quite happily eating his spiked paté morning and night, thank goodness. And he otherwise seems quite okay. But I just got off the phone from Maria (she called just now to ask how Sunny was doing) and it looks like he although he looks fine and healthy he may have to stay on one of the medicines for the rest of his life. Luckily it turns out to be the cheaper one, not both . . .

In any case, he has to stay on both meds for a month to see if this makes a difference in his liver enzyme levels. If it makes a difference then he may not need to stay on them forever, but we are taking it a month at a time for now.


I know exactly what you mean. I just wish I had a better paying job!


smiley - smooch Thank you, I will . . .



Post 1412

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Poor Sunny....

Hope he's feeling better soon.. Cat barf. Ick...


Post 1413

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Az, how is Sunny doing? Give him a pat for me...



Post 1414


Sunny seems perfectly fine. Constantly sqawking for food, taking his meds without any hassle. And no more vomiting. He's still got another two weeks or so before the next blood test - who knows, it may come out normal.

RDO (R.Daneel Olivaw) has recently started university and is living in a dorm where they have 'resident' cats who just make themselves at home with whomever lets them into their rooms. Here are two of them, Snowden and Chaucer (photos 152-155) - apparently drinking from a running tap is favourite passtime. smiley - smiley



Post 1415

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Oh, what a gorgeous kitty! Looks like my Smokey did, when he was still alive.

Sharing a dorm with resident cats would be really cool.


Post 1416

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Gotta say, the cat named Chaucer seems totally suited to his name! Big easy-going sort of gent (or gal, if misnamed), isn't s/he? smiley - smiley

If you're interested, I've got a pic or three of the Terrible Two I could send you. smiley - winkeye



Post 1417


Oh, yes please! And then I'll put them up in the gatitos album, if you like. smiley - smiley



Post 1418

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Az, can you send me a link to email the pics to? smiley - smiley



Post 1419


Sure. And you can send one of yourself in for the h2g2 friends photo gallery too, if you like. smiley - smiley

azaharh2h2 (at) yahoo (dot) com



Post 1420

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Okay, I finally sent the pics off, just now. I will follow with one of me, if I can get up the courage... smiley - winkeye


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