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Falco etc
azahar Posted Aug 24, 2006
The Time Traveller's Wife ... I promise you that you will absolutely adore it!
So why are all these people making all sad about you not being here anymore?
Falco etc
Teuchter Posted Aug 24, 2006
I've read it! And enjoyed it
And I am still here - sometimes.
Just realised - after two years with my bum glued to the computer seat - that there's a world out there too.
Falco etc
azahar Posted Aug 24, 2006
Yes, 'tis true ... but I have ended up swapping my hootoo time for blog time as I'm finding that much more enjoyable. But I am still riding that dern BIKE and will be fit as a fit thing when you and Hyp get here next spring.
Thanks for the chat earlier...
Falco etc
azahar Posted Aug 26, 2006
This one was inspired by you...
Falco etc
azahar Posted Apr 29, 2007
Have you seen there is a new Falco book out? I have the paperback pre-ordered with Amazon.
Falco etc
azahar Posted May 4, 2007
Oh, and I've brought up a similar spam complaint to yours here ... it's getting worse than ever.
Falco etc
Teuchter Posted May 5, 2007
I've been keep in my eye on Saturnalia, waiting for it to come out in papperbok.
Was a bit disappointed with her last one - the name of which I can't even remember, it made such a lasting impression on me
That spam is ghastly
Falco etc
azahar Posted May 5, 2007
I told Ivan about Lindsay Davis and, because he thought he'd prefer reading the series in sequence, he went out and bought all 18 novels and read them through at one go! Including Saturnalia.
I wonder which was the one you found disappointing.
I don't have all her stuff - yet. But I think I have most of them.
I'm presently reading a rather fun 'spy book' written by Hugh Laurie. Have recently got a television service here that allows me to watch some programmes in 'original version' so I've become quite addicted to House. Nog says he doesn't mind watching it with me, even though he occasionally has to wipe the away ...
Falco etc
azahar Posted May 8, 2007
Care to add your <2cents> here? az
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Falco etc
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