This is the Message Centre for azahar

Falco etc

Post 101


smiley - goodluck with the web launch tomorrow. Hope it all goes well and you get loads of orders.

The ring has been put in my purse, in my handbag, when I'm at the gym. Bag then gets locked into locker - with my own padlock.
It was just being lazy and leaving it on the shelf that got me into trouble.

Will Seville be 'crazy' next week?

Falco etc

Post 102


Yes, Seville is quite crazy atm. Buncha weirdos. smiley - winkeye

I actually quite like Semana Santa here, though I do have to realise and accept that it's impossible to work (re: classes) and that *any* shopping or errands that need doing must be done before 2pm.

After that we are pretty much prisoners in the flat. So we get into 'prisoner mode' - get in lots of dvd's to watch, books to read (just bought two books this morning), lots of snacky foods, a selection of smiley - redwine and then just kind of enjoy the show.

Since ALL processions have to pass through the cathedral Semana Santa pretty much comes to us. Some processions are more popular than others, but basically, after 2pm just forget about going out unless you want to join in - and after 12 years here I'd mostly rather not.

Of course this year we have plenty of biz stuff to keep us busy at home this week. Bit of a blessing as I can get the last of the production stuff sorted and P can get used to the ordering process on the website - as well as other stuff.

Anyhoodle, that's kind of us this week. Just finished watching Curse of the Were-Rabbit and haven't laughed so much in ages! We're actually planning to watch it again after dinner - before we have to return it to the rental place tomorrow morning.

How's stuff with you?


Falco etc

Post 103



Sorry I haven't been around much recently - been up to my eyes in work and am still trying to get the house organised after our couple of trips away.

After not doing anything for years - we had that lovely visit to Seville and, on top of that, spent last weekend in Brussels.
We definitely prefer Seville - but had a good time all the same. I may e-mail you some photos smiley - evilgrin
I've developed a taste for Belgian raspberry beer smiley - drool Have never been a beer drinker - but that stuff's sublime.
We did a lot of walking around - and eating. Two of our favourite things.

When does Semana Santa end? And how is the biz going?

Falco etc

Post 104


Well, happily we are no longer 'at home' prisoners - the Semana Santa processions stopped early this morning

Ohhh, would love to see some Brussels photos - let me know if there are any you'd like put in the gallery. smiley - ok

Hmmm, not sure about raspberry beer - though I have tried strawberry wine.

And now there is this chocolate thing, eh? Well, the past week I've been partaking of anhaga's New Amazing Weight Loss Programme F110768?thread=2486167

Seems very radical, having something to do with eating less and doing more. What a concept! smiley - winkeye Anyhoodle, have been riding The Bike for about 10 kms a day for the past week. Tomorrow I get SERIOUS about the eating less part of the Programme.

I reckon I'm the only woman I know who doesn't LOVE chocolate - makes me feel a bit 'unwomanly' somehow . . . though I also have never mastered wearing lipstick or high heels, so I guess there's really no hope for me ever being a *True Woman*.

Biz stuff is all set up - still waiting for our very first order! Have had the bottle of smiley - bubbly in the fridge since April 7th to celebrate this . . . hope it happens soon!


Falco etc

Post 105


I can happily leave UK type milk-chocolate well alone - but I do love the 85% Swiss and Belgian types. The first is heavy enough that just one wee square is enough to keep me happy - but the Belgian type is very light and I could easily get through the whole box in one sitting - if I hadn't given it to J to hide from me.

If I overdo chocolate, it leaves me headachey and foul-tempered - so it's in everyone's interests to keep me rationed smiley - laugh

I've never mastered the lipstick and high-heels stuff either - so I'll happily join you in the Untrue Women's Corner. Life's just too short to be faffing around with all that stuff - I'd rather read a book or something.
(Painting toenails is different though - I like to do that in the Summer)

I'm impressed by all that cycling - feeling a bit guilty too, since I haven't been to the gym since Tuesday.

Hope you get to open that bottle very soon smiley - goodluck

Falco etc

Post 106


THAT is just why I don't like chocolate. It tastes good (well, I only like seriously dark chocolate) but later I'm left feeling, not head-achy (have never had a headache in my life) but kind of depressed or 'flat' somehow. With a very heavy feeling in my stomach. Ick.

As for painted toenails - oh absolutely! I cannot wear sandals unless I have cherry red 'happy toes'. Though I draw the line at having to teeter on four-inch heels or constantly remember that I have a bunch of waxy coloured gack on my lips (so it doesn't end up smeared all over the place).

Heck, it took me ten years to learn how to wear just the slightest bit of mascara and not end up looking like a racoon by the end of the day. . .

Re: the untrue women's corner . . . that's pretty much what my clothing line is all about. For women who want to feel comfortable, and make no mistake, some of that stuff can look quite sexy. In any case, I'm all for sexy also being comfortable, you know?


Falco etc

Post 107


This is what I was talking about earlier. I haven't got there yet - but am in the process of getting there, if that makes any sense at all.

And I still say it's all quite interesting smiley - tongueout

Oooh - and have a smiley - hug

Falco etc

Post 108


You seem to have vanished! Haven't seen or heard tell of you on hootoo or IM for ages.

Just to say that I hope you are well and doing fine. Might send you a mobile text message just to say hello. smiley - hug


Falco etc

Post 109


Been having major pc problems - but now we're fixed and operational again. Been suffering dreadfully from enforced separation from my friends smiley - sadface

But - now I'm back. Mwah-haha smiley - evilgrin

Falco etc

Post 110


Well how weirdly cosmic that I felt compelled to write to you today - on the very day you were able to be back on line! How long have you been incommunicado?

What's new? Did that new thing for J come through? Have you retired? Well, just basically want to know *absolutely everything*! I've really missed you.

Nog and I have been playing with our new blogs - have you seen them yet?

And zoomer is coming next week - micro mini meet. Should be fun.

Things here are HOT and HUMID . . . just barely enough classes to squeak by on so we won't be making the London meet in July (we'd hoped to go over with zoomer). Well, maybe in January.

As for biz news, you can find that on my blog - click on 'azahar's designs'.

Now must go and drink another litre of cold water . . . it must be at least 45ยบ this afternoon.

Please send news! Love to J.


Falco etc

Post 111


If you ever decide to set up a blog this could be a great header for you 'a la Falco'...


Falco etc

Post 112


Sorry I had to sign off before you got back but I really just had to get horizontal. Hopefully today will be a better one. smiley - smiley

Before going offline I sent you an email with a few tips about Wordpress. It's actually quite user friendly but if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. Basically it's just a matter of going to your Dashboard and checking out what everything does there. Also check out some of the News articles as it gives information on some of the new additions such as the custom headers and widgets.

At the bottom of each page you can find the Archives for past News posts. The staff are so enthusiastic and friendly there, always coming up with improvements.

Oh, and here is some information about using smileys on Wordpress.

Have you thought up another name yet?

Anyhow, just having coffee and then will probably go out to do the usual Saturday morning shopping/errands. But maybe see you around later.


Falco etc

Post 113


Thanks for that, az smiley - ok

I'm just in from work - but will sit down later and try to find my way through this stuff.

I tried importing photos for a header yesterday - but all I got was a wide black band.
Will keep trying until I manage the damn thing.

Hope you're feeling better today smiley - hug

Falco etc

Post 114


Here's an example of some heather.

Did you upload and crop the pic properly?

After you go Dashboard/Presentation/Custom Header Image you browse and upload a pic. Then use the cropping tool (left click on mouse, drag along to get bit of image you like) and *then* make sure to save changes. If you just got a black image you might have forgotten to 'save' afterwards. Or if you didn't crop it then it was probably rejected as being too big.

Yeah, feeling a bit better today, thanks. Nog and I have been talking about our novels - one he barely started a few months ago and one I wrote about 400 pages of about 8 years ago. We're thinking of working on them over the summer, which should help while away the long poverty-stricken hours.

Funny, I haven't looked at mine for ages. And although it's quite cringe-making in places I think it might be fixable - at least, I like the story. Once I build up a bit of courage I'll let Nog read the first ten pages or so ...


Falco etc

Post 115


Oooh - that's good.

Have you seen my latest header? One out of the bank - and a tad cheesey but mine own work, unfortunately smiley - laugh

Falco etc

Post 116


Are your novels contemporary? And where is your one set?

Remember us all when you become rich and famous! Mary Wesley didn't publish until she was a fair age - and was then extremely successful. she was a rather interesting character.

Falco etc

Post 117


Nog's is set in two different worlds, one modern-day England the other some medievel-type 'elsewhere'. Mine is set in sort of present day Toronto/Bristol/Seville. Well, I wrote it eight years ago but could either bring it up to date or leave it where it was.

And no, it's not autobiographical at all, but bits of me and my experiences are scattered throughout a few characters. Thanks for the link - so there's no big rush for me to finish then. smiley - winkeye

Sent a comment to your blog but it didn't go through for some reason. Was just telling you about Bloglines, which is a way to collect all new posts and new comments from your friends blogs in one place - and you get notified everytime a new comment or post is made (the toolbar icon pings and changes colour).

So here is the link to Bloglines - you just need to subscribe, go to My Feeds and start adding people.

To add Wordpress friends you do it twice - once for new posts the other for new comments. So click on Add and go:

Apparently with people from other blogsites you can only get the new posts, not new comments. But it's great having both as then you don't have to go to EVERYONE's pages and through ALL their posts just to see if anything new has been posted.

Hmmm...think I know why my post didn't go through - might have been too many links on it. You can control how many links you allow in a post by going to Dashboard/Options/Discussion and scroll down to the links thing. I have mine set to allow two. So my last post is probably awaiting moderation from you.

Just watched Narnia and now it's time for bed. Nog has been reading aloud to me in bed lately - it's quite soothing.


Falco etc

Post 118


Re the Matter of the Stolen Smilies? I won't tell if you don't.

I just cut and pasted - it didn't occur to me that they'd come toosmiley - flustered
They don't usually reproduce elsewhere.

I'm still tweaking things in The Other Place - thanks for the heather - I've saved it so I can play around with it when I get fed up of the grass.

Falco etc

Post 119


Yeah, I've used the occasional stolen smiley but man! You totally went to town on that one! smiley - biggrin

Re: your page. You really gotta ditch the TOTAL CAPS one - the one you had before (Contempt?) was much softer. Just keep playing around until you find one that feels like you. I'm happy to help out with header images - please don't ever feel like I'm being pushy at all, I'm just having fun with it.

If you really like the grass theme you can probably copy it and place it on another one that doesn't have shouting caps.

Did you check out Bloglines? It's totally fab.


Falco etc

Post 120


Just finished the most wonderful book - On Beauty by Zadie Smith.

I think you'd also love it.


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