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Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me! Started conversation Dec 23, 2008
Hi az,
I thought I'd take the time to drop by and wish you health and happiness for the coming year.
I don't think we've chatted much over the years - especially with my recent absence of some length, but one thing I must say is that, in all your conversations that I am involved in, I can always feel the very high regard that the other researchers bestow upon you.
Richly deserved.
I just read your entry about ending a quarrel and seeking out a forgotten friend. You are truly a very bright shining star in a void of blackness, a bringer of hope, despite all that has happened to you in recent months - you are a true inspiration.
azahar Posted Dec 24, 2008
Hey there, Bassman. Very nice of you to drop by.
I'm glad you enjoyed that Christmas quote. I think it's been around on the internet for ages, but I just happened upon it recently and quite liked the idea of truly giving of yourself for Christmas.
Ha! They just want to make sure I put their photos in the gallery.
I'm trying to stop in here at h2g2 more than I have over the past couple of years. Although many hootoo friends have started visiting my 'casa az' blog, there are many others that I miss chatting with on a regular basis.
A true inspiration? Nah, just trying to make the best of a very crap and often scary situation. Trust me, if there were any way to NOT be doing this, I'd jump at the chance. In any case, I've gone from being given a year to live to now having the possibility of a complete cure. So I am definitely celebrating this holiday season! I hope you will be too.
Wishing you and yours all the best.
Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me! Posted Dec 24, 2008
You are too modest, you are one of the few that bond this mad place together. I'm so glad that you'll be sticking around for some time to come
If you weren't doing the photos, somebody else would, but would they be even half as generous in spirit - especially in the face of adversity - I think not.
logicus tracticus philosophicus Posted Dec 25, 2008
Can kill three birds with one one relatively speaking, hope you all have a great christmas and my next year be, a whole lot happier than this year,( the third bird in case you wondering is, the old grouse Noggin)
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