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Merry Christmas!!
azahar Posted Dec 25, 2007
Why thank you, jaz'd - a very Merry Christmas to you to!
Did you get any special Christmas chocolate?
Merry Christmas!!
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Posted Jan 2, 2008
missed that az, I did get some Very good Spanish
! Both Valor & Amatller. Actually some almost equal quality American
too -
Merry Christmas!!
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Posted Jan 2, 2008
Oh & strangely - nothing now but this Amattler addy was bringing up a statistics page when I last tried it. Anyway, I found the bars(Valors 70% & Amatllers both 70 as well as 85%)in a rather unlikely spot - ...they do get a few condiments & edibles.
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Merry Christmas!!
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