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Howdy do
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Started conversation Aug 24, 2007
Just checking to see if you're still here. It says you posted about an hour ago so I guess you are.
I sent you an email a week or so ago with a new picture attached for the gallery but hadn't heard from you that it had reached you at the old addy I had. When you have a chance please email me at my old yahoo addy, that's johnwfulton13@, so I can have your current address and re-send the pix. I have two or three new ones for you.
Hope all is well in Andelusia (sp?).
Howdy do
azahar Posted Aug 24, 2007
Hey you!
No, I haven't received any emails from you in ages. I wonder what happened. The one you can link to here on my PS is still the one I use for the photo gallery. Anyhow, will drop you a line ... oh boy! Three new ~jwf~ pics!
Hope you're well. Have really missed you ...
Howdy do
azahar Posted Aug 25, 2007
Did you get my email from the Gmail address? Maybe you could try resending the pics there.
Howdy do
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Aug 28, 2007
Yep. Got it. Will send soon.
Have so little time online these days.
Good to hear you're still about. In fact, it is quite reassuring and fills me with a satisfed contentment that all is still right with the world to such an extent that any need to rush into organising all those pix is well beyond my ambitions (and online time allotment) at this moment. P'rhaps this Thursday then.
Howdy do
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Aug 30, 2007
Tha's good.
And there should be two on the way. Just posted.
And another one where I forgot to attach.
I have a couple more I'll send next week.
Howdy do
azahar Posted Aug 30, 2007
Meanwhile, I think Nog is writing a 'witty' response to you on the pain-in-the-neck thread. I'm cringing ...
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