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Chaiwallah calling
chaiwallah Started conversation Mar 30, 2007
Hi Az, honey.
How's life in Seville? How's Nog? How's the business going? And, of course, how are the pussycats?
Settling in to life here in the wild, windy and wet west of Ireland. What a winter, endless storms, endless rain, but now warm, sunny, settled hazey days. The building is pretty much finished, the new pottery is up and running, and finally we've started on the garden.
As you can see from the dates on my page, it's been about a year since I last looked at h2g2! Just too busy. And too knackered in the evenings to do anything except veg out in front of the telly.
Recently joined a site called, sort of a spiritual chatroom. Not so well organised as hootoo, but an interesting focus.
Must send you some recent photos of the darling grand-daughter. To think that she just turned THREE!!! Got a great photo of her, her Dad, her grandpa(me), and her great-grandmother (93) all together in Canada last Nov.
Hope all is blissful with you guys.
Chaiwallah calling
azahar Posted Apr 1, 2007
Hi darlin'
Lovely to hear from you. Sounds like things are going very well.
If you have time and inclination you can check out my blog to see what's been going on in my life...
You went to Canada? Where in Canada?
Are the photos on your Fotki?
Nog and I were thinking of going to Toronto in September but we're going to Lisbon in June instead and then seeing how we survive the long summer of unemployment.
Meanwhile, just bought a sexy new laptop yesterday and so I'm in the throws of getting it all set up ... it's taking forever!
Don't be a stranger now, ya hear?
Chaiwallah calling
chaiwallah Posted Apr 2, 2007
Hi Az,
Lovely to be back in touch. I'll organise those photos, maybe this evening. We were in Toronto visiting my 93-year-old-ex-mother-in-law, along with my kids, Zahara and Murrough, and the gorgeous -three-years-old-already-Leah!
Right now I should be doing ten million jobs, taking advantage of the brilliant sunny weather we're having in County Mayo.
Gotta go,
Talk soon,
Bye Chaiwallah
Chaiwallah calling
azahar Posted Apr 15, 2007
Had a look at your Fotki today and saw you still haven't had time to put up the new pics. Which I take as a good sign that you are far too busy enjoying your life in the County Mayo sunshine to sit indoors doing computery stuff.
Do you have Skype? One day we'll have to have a chat and catch up.
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Chaiwallah calling
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