This is the Message Centre for snufkin or gz
you've been ACE'd!!!
Z Phantom Started conversation Feb 17, 2003
Don't worry it dosent hurt but it can
I am Z Phantom an ACE (assistant community editor) and its my job to hunt out new users and say Hi....
just incase your ever bored why not try one of the following sites
the <./> welcome </.>Page where you can find out all the basics to do with the site.
the <./>Smiley</.> Page will tell you how to use cool graphics like this one
the <./>GuideML-clinic</.> is the best place to learn to write brilliant pages for the guide.
<./>ThePost</.> our very own newspaper, involving poetry, competitions, reviews and a new artical written by me also has an excelent list of links you might like at A660304
Important <./>Announcements</.> like site upgrades and new rules
the all new Jargon Buster - A754490 will get rid of that confusion when you dont know what people are talking about(even i use this one ).
Incase you need me just click on my name above and you will find me. Alternatevly just find any other ACE and they'll be happy to help.
Z Phantom
you've been ACE'd!!!
Lifson Kofie Posted Feb 17, 2003
Hi there - I'm here too (Increase Mathers Other ½!), Just thought I'd say Hi, welcome to h2g2, and why not come over for a chat (U176378)!!!
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you've been ACE'd!!!
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."