This is the Message Centre for SKIT ~ "The Diggler Lives on"

I should have been in the U.N

Post 1

~☼ Dark Phoenix ☼~

Think I have successfully managed to pour cold water on that thread.

Go me ! smiley - peacesignsmiley - flyhi

I should have been in the U.N

Post 2


You do realise your becoming quite the message board messiah smiley - winkeye

I should have been in the U.N

Post 3

~☼ Dark Phoenix ☼~

Yikes I hope not, don't fancy crucifixion. Plays havoc with my hands... smiley - winkeye

I should have been in the U.N

Post 4

Quantum Cat Not Here

but just think of all the Easter Eggs you'll get!!!

smiley - diva

I should have been in the U.N

Post 5

Electric Dragon

Line on the left, one cross each.

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