This is the Message Centre for raindog
hi there raindog
azahar Posted Apr 9, 2003
Larkin about, eh? Funny boy.
What do you mean toxxin is being friendly? Certainly not to me - he just called me sooooooo critical of EVERYONE! And then he sneered at me when I said he had got me totally wrong. Less than two inches, that's what I reckon.
Just having a little whilst Mary relaxes on the sofa with her Guardian. We are having such a good time together. At least so far, having to be around me 24-7 hasn't changed her opinion about me (mind you, the week is still young . . .)
Hey, that's the same sleeping problem I have. I can always go to sleep no problem - I just can't stay asleep. Last night, for instance, woke up at 4.30 (and had to get up at 7 to teach an early class) so of course I tossed and turned until approx. 6.45, upon which time I fell into and exhausted sleep and started dreaming that my dead uncle Ray was explaining WHY Bush and Blair were in northern Ireland and saying it 'bodes not well'. Then the alarm went off and I had to draaaaaag myself out of such a deep slumber - so painful! And then I got a terrible panic attack walking over the bridge to Javier's place (bridges and me often don't get along), which was largely due to only having got three hours sleep and having downed a serious cafe con leche after leaving the house.
But more or less got through the day in one piece. It's 10pm now and I am feeling quite relaxed and very happy I don't have any morning classes tomorrow.
There are three other cities I want to see before I die - Florence, Barcelona and Lisbon. New York used to be on that list but now I'm not so sure about that. Anyhow, I hope I still have plenty of time.
pilchard = sardina
I suggest while you are picking up Life of Pi at the bookshop you also invest in a small Spanish-English dictionary (why not?)
Okay, time to eat some cheese I think.
buenas lagartas,
hi there raindog
azahar Posted Apr 9, 2003
hmmm . . . I'm quite sure that he-who-shall-not-be-named IS quite up on all that, being the total mysogynist that he is! (and I'm NOT being critical - just observant).
hi there raindog
azahar Posted Apr 9, 2003
Started re-reading Northern Lights - read it a couple of years ago and wasn't sure how much I liked it, at the time not enough to buy the rest of the trilogy. So, maybe I'll like it more this time - anyhow, can't afford to buy any new books at the moment, spending all the money I don't have on tapas these days.
Time for bed, perchance to sleep . . .
buenas nachos,
hi there raindog
raindog Posted Apr 9, 2003
your postings mirror my wanderings today-are you a stalker?, I thought the Larkin was clever-what, no points for clever nowadays?
Listening to Stockhausen as we speak, plus German electronica OK what were we playing at? Did you watch the men breaking stuff? the Marine getting kissed? just like a fairy story eh? I love my war! I expect you are entertaining so I expect dailyish evening postings (assuming you are sober enough to type) saw a post from Toxx saying LOL-BOOmBOOM-what was that about? assumed it was friendly. OK the Mondeo comments were a bit general but I did flag that and it was-come on I'll take you all on!! If you think you're hard enough!! (me as a real boy- just like Pinocchio).
Buenas Shark,
Rain. Your dog of choice.
hi there raindog
raindog Posted Apr 9, 2003
Pi guy on UK TV as I type-Newfoundland guy-you related?? Am I expected to read Shipping News? (done that-years ago-lovely book-nothing happens-but everything happens)Split the kick back or I'll tell the man( and he'll tell you off)
hasta la haddock.
hi there raindog
azahar Posted Apr 10, 2003
buenas dias!
(much too early but couldn't sleep for a change - decided to check postings while still on internet flat rate).
My postings mirror yours? Could it be cos I was responding to them?
I was giving you MASSIVE points for being clever. You just couldn't hear my voice saying 'funny boy!' I suppose I should have said 'good dog!' Atchly 'Larkin about' made me laugh out loud.
toxxin responded that way to ridicule me telling him he didn't get me at all if he thought I was an overly critical person - as if I were telling him a huge joke. asshole.
Martel lives in Newfoundland? Whatever for?
Hang on, have to go and check on something else you said . . .
hasta ahora . . .
hi there raindog
azahar Posted Apr 10, 2003
back again,
Had to re-read what you had said in response to the mysoginist posing as a writer (the OTHER mysoginist - am I spelling that correctly? - not the rude and nasty creep who thinks he his clever and provocative).
So, women are attracted to bad boys? Any more than men are attracted to bitches? Someonce once told me that if I wanted to 'keep a man' then I should treat em like dirt - that they'll just keep coming back for more. Of course, I suppose it would help to be leggy and blonde whilst doing this.
I just think that very many people have very unhealthy personal relationships, especially male-female ones that no doubt go back to how we related to our own parents as small children when we were totally vulnerable and needy.
For example, I don't think I've ever chosen a dickhead as my pareja on purpose, but this has happened more than once. I think because I was 'trained' to accept abuse from the people I loved. And also because I had no sense of self-worth. Okay, I never accepted physical abuse after I left home, but emotional abuse was something I could never convince myself that 'somehow' I didn't deserve, since of course I was so obviously unlovable and hideous as a person. I was also incredibly needy and insecure and, well, found out how much people hate it when someone is like this (even you responded to me angrily when I showed massive insecurity).
hang on . . . have to make some
Mary was just talking to me about some reading she had been doing on 'attachment' issues as she is in a long-distance relationship that often leaves her feeling threatened and insecure - and then angry and resentful. So she is trying to understand this. To me it seems obvious - the guy doesn't love her enough. Or at least, they don't seem to speak the same language when it comes to love.
I think that often people feel attracted to or get attached to whomever most resembles their most important childhood love object. Which often also turns out to be a person who didn't love them enough. So then things get messy and confusing for everybody.
Probably the most important thing one can do is 'grow up' and (cliche alert!) learn to love oneself. Because, sadly, trying to get the love you need from another person usually has quite disastrous results.
Am suddenly starving to death - must have toast NOW! - so talk to you later on, my dog of choice.
hasta la tostada,
hi there raindog
raindog Posted Apr 10, 2003
Whatever for?-nice. Basically what I was getting at was what you are saying but I felt the need to get some psych stuff in there to keep my end up (ooh, Mr Freud!) as it where, before one of the self styled 'big boys' got into it-even deferring to Toxxin feels a bit like showing the throat now I re-read it. I think that we do feel that we have to make a special effort with people who treat us badly because the majority don't-and if it wasn't for them everything would be perfect, so if we can just neutralise that little thing by loving it til it can't help but love us back, then everything will be alright. I don't think it applies more to women than men but I do think that there is some sort of evolutionary thing meaning that effectively women bundle this with a lot of other issues to do with protection etc... which means it LOOKS like they do. All this is of course a personal view and not meant to apply to every woman, or man.
I miss italics, are they possible on this thing? I really don't like putting all major points in shouty capitals, italics are so much more subtle.
Massive neediness does bring out the uncomfortable 'Entertaining Mr Sloane' feeling in most people but others need it for self boosting (as I know you already know-just making the point)and most of us like the damsel rescuing bit some of the time. What really upsets me, since I did a spot of feminist sociology, not recommended to any men on this green earth, is the portrayal of women as sneakily needy. By which I mean that they can come accross as strong individual tough women now, just as long as they crumble at the right moment and everything is alright for us men-I'm thinking something like Anne Heche in 'Volcano'-bright as a button, totally in charge until the end when she trips up and needs rescuing by Tommy Lee Jones- that kind of thing; as long as we get our 'little lady needs help' moment.
Just been doing electroplating with 6/7 year olds, went on to magnetism and they got to play with strong magnets and pennies-I needn't have even been there. Forgotten just how cool things are when you are 6/7,need more of that I think. I think your point about self-love is true, albeit cliched-probably for all the right reasons. As I said yesterday on 'God'-the soap that keeps on coming, I am somuch happier now than when family meant the backward extension up the chain. Basically I've thought it through and these few years with the boy, college, other stuff are all building a better me, and most people do not get the chance to do anything like that at my advanced age(don't shout).If you get happy with you, and have a support system for the momentary lapses into negativity (thanks) then I think that's about the bestest you can get.
I think we need a new post that goes something like "who I am now and where that came from"-what do you think, in the Observer they have a really good column that is a different person each week called something like "things I know now", have you ever seen it? basically something like that. In 'God'-the original and still the blessed, we seem to have to get around the subject to actually start to talk(this thread started with you wanting to know if you'd wound me up I seem to recall). So in the words of Morrisey-"and when you want to live, how'd you start, where'd you go, and who do you need to know?"
Hasta la breem,
Rain, the dog with the thorn in it's side.
hi there raindog
azahar Posted Apr 10, 2003
hola rainly,
Ok, I can start a new conversation called 'things I know now' - or the other longer one you suggested. Which do you think would be better? I just have to figure out how to do this - other conversations I've started have been part of another bigger thingy and I just started a new thread. I'll check on the front page and figure it out.
Meanwhile - WHAT A DAY! Just got home from the hospital emergency . . . like you do . . .
Okay, there I was after my last class of the day - around 9pm - just checking the postings in fact, when I hear Mary at the door (coming home) talking to some people. I thought that was a bit weird, since she doesn't know anyone here. Then she came in with blood on her upper lip and looking a bit stunned, saying she'd had a wee accident and that the two girls she was with helped her home.
Turns out she had tripped in the street over these wood plank thingys the city puts up every year during Semana Santa to protect the orange trees - this one had been sticking up. And so poor Mary landed almost flat on her face, holding out one arm to break her fall. She was really worried about her front teeth because they had gone numb and also that her arm hurt, so we thanked the girls for bringing her home and then we got a taxi to the hospital.
I really thought that other than maybe needing a couple of stitches on her upper lip she would be fine. Nope. Fractured elbow!!! We could not believe it. So, one shoulder to wrist plaster cast. And then five stitches on the upper lip, done by the resident plastic surgeon. And we were advised to see a dentist tomorrow to make sure the teeth are fine (they just checked at the hospital for broken face bones).
Poor Mary. Such bad luck. And the darling, she almost fainted from the pain as they were putting on the plaster cast. I mean, honestly!
So we got home just after midnight and I made us a snack since, of course, we hadn't had any dinner. Then Mary took her pain killer and after getting ready for bed one-handed, is now - I hope - asleep.
Tomorrow morning we're going to see my dentist so he can take an x-ray and make sure her teeth are fine. Then in the afternoon we're going to see one of my doctor students. Javier, mid-fifties, lovely man, good doctor. I called him from the hospital to tell him what had happened (he'd met Mary the day she arrived) and he said to come to his surgery after 5pm with the arm x-rays and hospital reports. And that made Mary feel much better.
Lesson to be learned, said Mary as she ate her midnight snack of fresh pasta and pesto - never take anything for granted!
Meanwhile I thought to myself - great, now I have to do ALL the washing up! (kidding!!!)
We were planning to go to the coast tomorrow - to Cadiz. Not now, of course. I feel so badly for Mary - her big holiday to visit me in Sevilla, which she has been promising to do for years. Oh well, s**t happens.
Re: italics. How about using these? - *word* - and then I'll know you mean that word to be in italics.
Entertaining Mr. Sloane? No idea what yer talkin bout.
yikes, computer is growling again . . . sending . . . sending . . .
hi there raindog
azahar Posted Apr 10, 2003
False alarm it would seem, but you just never know with my old dinosaur of a computer - AND as we have learned this evening - never take anything for granted.
Hey, what the heckity is going on with the God thread? I mean, I know I shifted the conversation into childhood trauma stuff awhile back, but there was at least a connection there (in my case, going to another 'place' and wondering what that was - was that god?) AND I didn't change the title of the thread. Now it all reads like a bunch of adolescents not even trying to sound intelligent. So I don't think I will post there again until things settle back into something resembling a topic worth discussing.
Meanwhile, Hass has disappeared. She hasn't posted in a couple of days, hasn't answered my emails. Hope she's okay.
Okay, now I really MUST try and go to bed. It's just that this whole hospital episode has left me feeling quite wired, and prior to that I'd been having a bit of a weird day anyhow (nuthin worth mentioning in detail). Have had two enormous glasses of rioja and am starting to feel things shutting down. Like my brain, for starters. Time to brush teeth. Hope I can remember how.
hasta mañana, perro elegido . . .
hi there raindog
azahar Posted Apr 11, 2003
me again!
(you lucky )
Anyhow, this is what you get, I suppose, when you don't write back - lots and lots of meeeeeeeeeee.
I think I've convinced Mary that she is not going to somehow be able to sue the Seville city gov't for her accident, after having spent almost all of today going all over town to get info for her about this. Basically, she tripped over a sticky-uppy thing that should not have been there, but I mean, these things exist all over town. And it's been so exhausting trying to go here there and everywhere (after having got approx. 14 hours sleep in the last three days) - AND MEANWHILE HAVING TO DO ALL THE WASHING UP!!!
And now to change the subject totally, you sound much more attached to your boy than your two girls. Gosh, you must have been just twenty or so when you had your first kid. I think it sounds nice what you are saying about this time of your life - having the boy, going back to study, feeling like you all of this is building a better you (even though it's actually YOU doing all the work, but it's nice to have reasons to do this).
I'd say that it's only been the last five years or so that I actually like myself as a person. Like, if I met myself at a party I'd think I was quite interesting and charming and would probably want to see myself again some other time.
The thing is, I don't think I was any less of a nice person before, it's just that I didn't realize it.
Okay, won't ramble on here. I was just checking in to see if you had written back. Next week I only have two classes because of Semana Santa, so I'm looking forward to relaxing, spending time with Mary and doing lots and lots of washing up.
buenos pulpos,
hi there raindog
raindog Posted Apr 11, 2003
According to my time thing you posted 13 minutes ago so if you're around-Hi.
Sounds like fun there, that can really ruin a trip(obviously pun intended). Hope she's OK. I know what you mean about the God thread (loaves and fishes since AD27). I thought Toxxin was diong a really good job as devils advocate and stirring things up with his sleeping around bit-am I being too trusting, do I gift him with too much ironic potential? Mondeo Man seems to want the answer to a , relatively small question which I did try to answer in passing-amazingly several days later the debate rages, like it was deeply important? Haven't been there today, probably Hass is doing the same thing, although it is the Easter holiday here-so maybe she's away?
I know I've been mostly offline and having to survive in reality due to no real challenges elsewhere on here.I think it's time for a new thread-called whatever-something like either of those two from a few days ago. 'Entertaining Mr Sloane'- play by Joe Orton? filmed in '69-brother and sister vie for attentions of Mr Sloane, mean and moody stranger/lodger-claustrophobic and very dark.
Am more attached to boy-can't deny it. The other two are at a stage where the parenting is less hands on and more hands in wallet. They are both developing their individuality, different from each other, and I really just need to lend the odd album, film, or book to Jenny, the eldest, and finance Lucy's Linkin Park thing. The boy came at a really weird bit-I was drinking lots of beer with my loser boss/patient, and about a year away from the business going BOOM, quite spectacularly( major digression but he was eventually diagnosed, if that's the right word, as alcoholic, struck off solicitors roll, made bankrupt and divorced by his wife((who else?)), all of this was due to him doing no actual work for about 18 months but still needing to keep up the pretence, to his wife, the bank etc... This meant that I had to do his work, try to get the money in, do the account stuff the Law Society needed done, and still try to do my own stuff, apply for and manage a franchise in legal aid stuff, he's in the pub all day from about 12.30, and keep family stuff going-when they found me asleep in the garden in a sleeping bag they decided that I was overdoing it-around this time I was told we were expecting the patter of tiny little, finally send you over the edge, straws on the back of bactrians, on...)I should have gone overboard, but instead I told him I would only do 2 days a week for slightly less money, and basically learned to love the imminent bombing. So in a sense the boy was some sort of perspective/redemption/saviour thing, all very catholic I know, so you could say we're close. Also never wanted a son- always said that I would bring up strong women and what would be perceived as weak men. He likes poetry, dancing, and schoolwork as well as boy stuff; he may experience some problems but will be a better person for it.
My brother had a daughter at around the same time and was up to taking her out on his own when she got to be about two years old, the hero. I was going to the Tate North with Cam when he was about a month old-Other people needed *some* sleep(see the pretty italic substitutes, watch them sparkle! only £1.99 a dozen!)So I am basically a parenting God, no arguments. The other two, the girly ones, have been loved and cared for and pushed in a very positive way-"For godssakes don't end up like me-poor, stupid and working for a major dickhead-get educated, NOW!!!" I think it worked out OK so far, but we've not finished yet have we.
*I* did the washing up last night, and the whole kitchen-spotless! I do little housework and was moaned at to do more-completely fair criticism, although I do do all the cooking-which I am reasonably good at so... had to try getting out of it so I listened to Candi Staton whilst doing it dancing as camply as possible, I am now claiming some form of compensation as housework has made me gay. I think I'll be about as succesful as your tree-hugging friend but it is quite fun admiring peoples clothes (Darling that shirt is simply to die for!),and eyeing up other motorists (men) until told to stop it now or lose valuable bits of anatomy that 'aren't really much use any more are they?'Lived for a few years when I was 16/17 in a freinds house entirely populated by gay men so I can do camp like a pro-just not-I'm reliably informed (should read 'commanded') in Boots, Safeway,or any other public area. Oh well, must feed people,
Hasta la Giant Pink Sea snail,
Rain, Bringer of Canine Precipitation to the Stars since 1725 (nearly ten minutes ago, our time).
hi there raindog
azahar Posted Apr 11, 2003
I got the God conversation back on track yesterday - so it's safe for you to return.
Hass sent me an email yesterday - she's having computer problems.
Toxxin is not ironic in any way whatsoever not ever (and I mean never).
Mary in bath with large plastic bag on arm.
Time to drink now . . .
buenas copas,
hi there raindog
azahar Posted Apr 11, 2003
hello parenting dog,
Oops sorry, parenting god!
So, what are you going to do after you graduate? I mean, any plans? I really don't know if 'higher education' is (as you told your girl kids) the WAY to get ahead in this world. Of course it is one of many ways . . . oh, I dunno. Can't actually get into that right now as I'm not sure what I want to say.
Your life sounds quite fine to me. Well, except for the living in the north of England bit.
anyhow, gotta go now . . .
hi there raindog
raindog Posted Apr 12, 2003
Another victim of your random smooching! I guess I'll survive(going all American on us). I am indeed the God of Parentalismoismismismsismsismsisms-O.K. I'm goodish at it.
althogh Council house, crappy estate to add to you North of England bit..apart from location , location, and ...the third thing?..doing fine,ish. None of us particularly damaged by balconies in Sevilla-posh bint.hohohohohohohoho!
talk more tomorrow-several glasses of Argentine liquid-too far gone to type-
Rain...he walks so well on his leash, you'd hardly remember the unfortunate incident wth the .50 calibre Desert Eagle and those bolshy pensioners?
hi there raindog
azahar Posted Apr 12, 2003
greetings el parentisimo!
I wouldn't say where I live is 'posh', rather just stunningly beautiful. And anyhow, I'm only renting. Renting TWO flats, in fact (have I already told you this?), which means that when things go well I don't pay any rent at all.
I've been coming to the realization recently (say the last three years or so) that if something doesn't change for me soon then I will spend my old age dragging dirty plastic bags from sleeping place to sleeping place. Well, if I have learned to sleep by then, that is.
Anyhow, this realization has left me kinda upset. Because at the same time I also realized just HOW ALONE I am in this world. No family to speak of, a few friends scattered about the globe, no pareja, no kids . . . and definitely no sort of security net, financial or otherwise. Also, up to blood-shot eyeballs in credit card debt, unstable and unsatisfying job . . . it's no wonder I never sleep.
Hence, my various money making ideas, which largely remain ideas as I can't ever seem to find that large burst of energy needed (or in the case of the clothing biz, that large bunch of investment capital) to get things started.
(last - and I think final - massive burst of energy totally used up by moving to Sevilla ten years ago on a wing and a prayer)
So, came to yet another realization - just the other day. That it's unlikely I am EVER going to get any of my ideas going without some help or other. I'm thinking - partner! Just as you have discovered, I think, that being a part of 'a unit' has often been a source of strength and comfort, I've realized that I need someone to share at least my business life with because being alone in every aspect of my life is just too daunting for me. Make sense?
Anyhow, this has helped me to stop berating myself all the time for being such a loser. It turns out that I just NEED SOME HELP. That no, I am not superwoman and that I cannot do absolutely everything by myself. Bit of a relief that. Of course now the big question is - how to go about finding the help I need? Because if I can at least get my work life sorted out - you know, so that I can finally be able to support myself even somewhat comfortably - then that would take away probably about 90% of my daily stress and *then* I could start worrying about other more interesting things at 3am.
Time to shower and dress and attempt to look human . . .
buenas duchas,
(hey, bought that spanish/english dictionary yet?)
hi there raindog
azahar Posted Apr 12, 2003
btw, I am not a *random smoocher*. I only ever smooch whom I choose to and whenever I choose to - so there!
Just started the new conversation called 'things I know now . . .' and so far no one has replied! If you want you can find it on my personal page.
Also, just had rather emotional discussion with Mary after I - gasp! - actually expressed an opinion about her relationship. I mean, she's been going on and on and on and on . . . and on . . . about this, but it sounds to me like the same stuff she was saying five years ago about this guy. I think she is analysing this whole thing to death (if you can actually kill an already dead thing). She then called me 'presumptuous' (!) I then said I wasn't presuming anything at all, just saying back to her all of the things she had said to me. And then I said that she can have whatever sort of relationships she likes, no skin off my nose, and would she like to have some fresh linguine with smoked salmon and asparagus in a garlicky cheesy white wine sauce. Which had the desired effect.
Tell me if I'm wrong. You meet someone, you get along. You decide you want to know them better. You then decide to start up a bit of a relationship. And if it works, great. If it doesn't work, then what? Do you try SO HARD to keep something going just cos you don't want to be alone or you think you have had so many failed relationships that you can't stand another one and anyhow maybe all those failed ones had been YOUR fault so you need to get to the bottom of all this???
Okay, I do know that all relationships require constant and caring maintenance. And you must know this as well. My argument is that, upon finding oneself with someone quite unsuitable - whaddaya gonna do?
Personally, I've tried the fitting the square pegs into round holes scenario and I just won't do that anymore. I mean, if a relationship takes THAT MUCH WORK - I mean even to get someone to admit that they love you and start behaving like they do (Mary) - then what is the point?
Because to me, relationships are a full-time job. They take up so much time and energy and effort - and usually, this is a very positive thing because you end up getting quite a nice return on investment when you are with the right person.
I also believe that as well as being very complicated and high-maintenance, on a basic level they are actually very simple things - as in, they either exist or they don't. The problems I see most people having with relationships is that they are constantly trying to convince themselves or their pareja that the relationship actually exists. I think that if you have to work THAT HARD to even convince each other that you are actually having a relationship . . . well, do you see where I'm going?
That's like . . . sorry, metaphor escapes me. I think because I've had half a bottle of nice Spanish rueda (the ONLY drinkable Spanish white wine) and am now in need of calories from a solid food substance. And so - to the kitchen.
Also have to release Sunny from his punishment. He was very bad last night and so I am trying to punish him. It's been very hard on me, so now I'm going to let him come out from under the bed (btw, I never hit my cats - a harsh word from me, or snapping my fingers is enough for them to know that they've done something is wrong - Mary is quite impressed by this).
hasta whatever,
hi there raindog
raindog Posted Apr 12, 2003
I'm really not very good at the relationship thing. I did counselling (learning to do it not the other sort) and was constantly told to reach into some past pain from a relationship breakup, but I don't have any. My last girlfriend was when I was 16, and she told me to ask out her best mate because we got on so well-never looked back-well of course I have considered asking Penelope Cruz is she fancies going out for a quiet drink, just the two of us etc.. but never really got round to it, and she may be busy.
I seem to remember it being so difficult to end a relationship because there are no defined rules for starting a new one and so people just cannot visualise how the next big thing will occur. If you can't see it it's hard to believe in it. Something like that anyway. What I mean is if you want a new career you can at least mentally see the plan -give up this one, get some qualifications, apply for new job etc... With relationships you cannot just go 'go to bookshop, hang round Starbucks, notice interesting person, drop scalding coffee down leg, both have good laugh at A&E dept. happily ever after..'(I did say I hadn't a clue about relationships). This is like the 'what will become of me' stuff from your last but one post (you'll be fine, just don't waste your time fretting-when you finally get all your ducks in a row it'll be time to die if you waste your life yearning) so you need, I think, to get that, turn it into relationship anxiety,like I think Mary your mate has, and empathise from that locus. That actually sounds quite professional now I type it. I could be being presumptuous, which should mean 'before sumptuousness', in the same way 'unprepossessed' means 'new', always thought that would be good for a bookshop-never seen it though.
Incidentally don't understand the two flats free bit-no, you haven't explained it-I'll sit still and not fidget at some point while you do.
I think the idea of a business partner is a great idea if you can find the right person. You need no imagination,or they will barge into your side of things; good business sense and pots and pots of free-range money. Then you can just fret about not having a relationship in your millionaire beachside villa. Burt Reynolds (!) quote-
"I've been poor and unhappy and rich and unhappy-on the whole rich and unhappy is best"
Japanese proverb-One should hope but never yearn. Today I am wisdom boy.
Rain. (and that is not a weather forecast)
hi there raindog
azahar Posted Apr 12, 2003
I think you get it. I mean, at least the idea about not actually being able to just 'go out there shopping' for a romantic relationship - but that's why I say I need to find myself a business partner. Since for me, trying to go out to find the love of my life seems a bit silly and pathetic, at least looking for a decent business partner lets me maintain my dignity (my WHAT?) And I do need to find some human support in my life - I know that.
But, ya know, first things first. Let's take care of the basics (food, shelter, clothing, cats . . .) and then move on to the weightier issues.
You like Penelope? Frankly, I think she is one of the most stunningly beautiful creatures that ever existed this side of Audrey - not that I like her for that, just an honest opinion. As for male beauty, dunno. Will have to think about that one.
Hey, after 20-odd years with the same pareja, do you not ever get the urge to drift? (or have you???) Just wondering. I think people in your situation - with very long term partners - get this absurd notion that single people are out there madly humping all and sundry on a constant basis. Don't get me wrong, I quite like sex (sometimes I even love it so much I can't stand it!) but most of the time - especially with almost strangers - it's just weird and uncomfortable. The best sex experiences I've ever had in my life have never ever been just totally physical.
Love it! The next time someone accuses me of being presumptuous I shall reply - 'are you referring to before I was sumptuous?' - whilst fluttering my eyelashes in a becoming manner.
Re: the two flats. Lived next door for eight years and then my present flat became available. As my landlord likes me so much (he lives downstairs) he let me move next door (here, where I am now) and keep on my old place AND sublet out the rooms there. So when I have a full-house next door (there) this actually pays both rents. Of course I don't always get a full house and this actually has become another part-time job for me, especially as I supply sheets, towels, etc and clean the place once a week. But I only rent out the rooms (there are three) to professional people looking for nice clean temporary accomodation - no young students, no noise, no parties, etc. So, if you ever hear of anyone wanting to come to Seville and needing a nice place to stay on the most beautiful street in town - let me know!
Mary just came into the living room looking TOTALLY GORGEOUS so I'd better get myself ready now - going out tonight to see fabulously sexy flamenco dancer Antontio Canales.
Will leave you with a quote:
Money does not bring happiness, however, it makes it possible to support unhappiness with exemplary fortitude.
- Robertson Davies
Must dash! Just have twenty minutes to make myself TOTALLY GORGEOUS too! Or at least a reasonable facsimile. . .
hi there raindog
raindog Posted Apr 13, 2003
You realise of course I am totally impressed with all of this? I am booking a holiday in France for September this Summer so I may try to see where Savilla is just for the hell of it.
Pen as I call her-well she never calls, rarely tells me she wants me sexually-strange? maybe.
More than 5 responsews when I looked-whooooooo
rain the drunken reprobate that needs to sober up a bit, now he's famous.but won't bother really
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hi there raindog
- 81: azahar (Apr 9, 2003)
- 82: azahar (Apr 9, 2003)
- 83: azahar (Apr 9, 2003)
- 84: raindog (Apr 9, 2003)
- 85: raindog (Apr 9, 2003)
- 86: azahar (Apr 10, 2003)
- 87: azahar (Apr 10, 2003)
- 88: raindog (Apr 10, 2003)
- 89: azahar (Apr 10, 2003)
- 90: azahar (Apr 10, 2003)
- 91: azahar (Apr 11, 2003)
- 92: raindog (Apr 11, 2003)
- 93: azahar (Apr 11, 2003)
- 94: azahar (Apr 11, 2003)
- 95: raindog (Apr 12, 2003)
- 96: azahar (Apr 12, 2003)
- 97: azahar (Apr 12, 2003)
- 98: raindog (Apr 12, 2003)
- 99: azahar (Apr 12, 2003)
- 100: raindog (Apr 13, 2003)
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