This is the Message Centre for Courtie


Post 1

St Nessaja Patron Saint of Pessimistic Aardvarks (GA)

I'm a guardian angel! An ACE should greet you soon but if you are having any difficulties in the mean time just ask!
St Nessaja
smiley - angel


Post 2

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

smiley - laugh..*waves* Hi St some..smiley - tea..&..smiley - cake..smiley - biggrin..

Hi Researcher 219005..smiley - smiley..

Welcome to h2g2..I'm of the many ACEs'..(Assistant Community Editors)..we're here to offer you a warm welcome..advice & links to help you find your way around..

Oh..&..I'm a real person..not an automated computer find out about on my name above this conversation can do that..on anyones name in any conversation thread..smiley - magic..

Have a smiley - oj..smiley - hotdog..&..smiley - donut..put your feet up..relax..&..let your fingers do the walking..

You can click on any of the numbered links below..

You can click 'Preferences' on the screen to change your number to a change the skin..(background)..there are 3 to choose from..brunel..alabaster..or..classic goo..(if you have not already changed are in brunel..the default skin) might like to experiment a bit..see which one you prefer to use..smiley - biggrin..

I know there are a lot of links to 'take in' all at might find them handy for future reference..smiley - smiley..

You might like to hitch a ride on our tour..@ A317459

A full list of Smileys including some great new ones..@ A155909

You can find h2g2 Glossary..@ A901829

The slang used here can be a bit confusung..h2jargon explains all..@ A632431

You can customise your space..using what is available through h2g2..Find out more @..A Taste of GuideML..@ A768594 ..or Spicing up Your Page..@ A690518

2..ACEs'..have created hints & links for new researchers..Feisor's..@ A719840 ..&..Rocket Man's..@ A725500

Like most communities we have Clubs & Societies..find out about these..@ A660340

If your interested in writing for the might find Writing Guidelines..@ A53209 useful..

Hope you find these helpful..& enjoy yourself here..smiley - reply to this post..If you have any questions..or if you just want to say 'hi' 'reply' below..

smiley - rose


Post 3

Queen Mistress Cittykat555

wow courtie, you got more in depth greeting than I did, smiley - wow

Oh I brought some smiley - cheesecake and smiley - cappuccino for your welcome party.smiley - rainbow

Have fun, but be sure to let it thaw firstsmiley - biggrin.

smiley - hug bye honey!


Post 4

Crazy Man

Hi Courtie!

CittyKat, you got lots of greetings; they were just spread out into different threads smiley - winkeye

smiley - wow, smiley - cheesecakesmiley - rainbow


Post 5

Crazy Man

smiley - doh I failed to notice something.

The person who ACEd CittyKat was not as experienced (was a newbie to ACEs) as the person who ACEd Courtie, who has been here for quite a while (no offense to Quille smiley - hug).


Post 6

Queen Mistress Cittykat555

See, I told you.

(courtie's not being rude by not making an apperance at her own page, she just works a bit too hard and doesn't play very much, well except violin lol)


Post 7

Crazy Man

Well that's fine smiley - smiley

It's after *4 * days we send out the search party smiley - winkeye

just kidding smiley - rainbow (darn it, why am I using that smiley...never used to use it before... smiley - winkeye)


Post 8

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

Hi all..smiley - smiley..

Just like to say..I'm not ignoring anyone..just..not wanting to intrude in what looks like a conversation between friends..(which I have done now..smiley - laugh)..enjoy yourselves..smiley - biggrin..

smiley - rose


Post 9

Crazy Man

Well, I've never really heard of this person before she became a researcher, even then, we haven't talked or anything...and I'm on her friends list already...smiley - weird


Post 10

Crazy Man

smiley - winkeye


Post 11

Queen Mistress Cittykat555

Courtie doesn't get on very often, and is a bit stressed with her school work, (she's exactly like holli!)


Post 12

Crazy Man

Someone like Holli? smiley - yikes


Post 13

Crazy Man

Actually, she can't be like Holli, because:
a) Holli doesn't like HitchHiker's Guide
b) She doesn't believe in having communication that isn't face-to-face


Post 14

Queen Mistress Cittykat555

well courtie's never even heard of HGTTG before me, and well you notice she's not on here, or in this conversation for that matter. smiley - erm and she never calls me......
(and she likes Utena).

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