Journal Entries
Posted Oct 25, 2011
So i've managed to finally login after a few problems.....looks different, feels different and i'm not sure i will be staying yet.
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Latest reply: Oct 25, 2011
Posted May 28, 2010
This post has been removed.
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Latest reply: May 28, 2010
Happy New Year...
Posted Dec 31, 2009
As one decade ends another begins. Happy new year to one and all.
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Latest reply: Dec 31, 2009
My holiday and H2G2
Posted Sep 26, 2009
I’m back from my holiday and slowly getting back into this time zone.
I had the most wonderful time, the scenery was great and my hosts Rev & Mrs Nick made me feel very welcome, thanks to you both
My first Saturday there was spent at a Scottish & Irish festival. It seemed a bit ironic to travel halfway across the world to see bands playing bagpipes etc. There were stalls selling supposedly Scottish wares, some of it was definitely not Scottish or Irish though.
We went to Niagara Falls on the Monday, that place is out of this world, I really can’t express just how breath taking and powerful the falls are. The rapids were even more stunning, white water boiling and bubbling as it went down river. We stayed overnight and had rooms overlooking the falls which were lit up at night. I could see America the other side of the river aswell.
We also visited Niagara bird kingdom, then on to Niagara butterfly conservatory and botanic gardens. The gardens were past there best at this time of year, but there was still plenty to see.
The rest of the holiday was spent visiting ’malls’ small towns, aircraft museum and celebrating Nicks’ 50th birthday. All in all it was the best holiday I have ever had and would go back there anytime, the people are friendly and the atmosphere so different to anything I have ever experienced. It wouldn’t have been the same without my best friend and his missus to look after me though.
Which brings me on to hootoo……..
I wasn’t totally out of touch while I was away, I had access to a pc so I have seen what’s been going on in the real world and hootoo, I’m not in the least bit impressed either. It seems the small minded schoolchild mentality is still alive and well and thriving on this site. My friend Nick got his space and posts removed again because some small minded individual didn’t like what he had posted. I know who these childish people are but I’m not going to name names. What I am going to say though is - Get a flippin life will you! I am sick to the back teeth of the pettiness, back-biting and individuals who think the are beyond reproach. What ever happened to ‘live and let live’ eh? What is it with people! For that reason, I’m leaving this site. If anyone wants to get in touch and doesn’t have my email address, let me know and I’ll provide one. I’m sorry to be leaving, but I left school along time ago and cannot be part of the kindergarten attitudes of some people.
I might return one day, then again….
Big s to all my friends. Venus.
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Latest reply: Sep 26, 2009
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