Journal Entries


Didn't even know this was still there, haven't been here for more than three years...

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Latest reply: May 28, 2009

Time Flies....

It's been quite a while since I last wrote in my Journal. And as you can see the redecoration never took place.
Dunno, it's just that there are so many other things to do....

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Latest reply: Aug 11, 2005


I think it is about time I changed the look of this place a bit. Add a few things, throw some old stuff into the bin, splash o' paint...
smiley - ermBut where do I find the time to do this?

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Latest reply: Nov 4, 2003

Out of office reply

I won't be around for the next four weeks!
If you really need me, start looking for a tall geezer sitting on a French Alp (yes, I am tall even when sitting down).
Otherwise be patient, I'll be back!

smiley - okTerry

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Latest reply: Jul 21, 2003

The Post

smiley - wow I just found my silly list of Ways To Leave Your Lover (50) printed in The Post.smiley - cool
I was mowing the 3 square feet of grass in my garden last week, humming the Paul Simon song to myself (mind the neighbours!). Then I got bored with singing the same chorus over and over again and tried to invent some new Ways. When I had about twelve I decided to go all the way (I am a very slow mower smiley - biggrin)

If you want any other lyric improved, just let me now, the grass needs to be cut again soon....

smiley - cheersTerry

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Latest reply: Jul 3, 2003

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Terry Teadreg

Researcher U218772

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