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Help with Menu's

Post 1


Hi Ian
As you've already noticed, I am the mother of a one year old baby boy. In addition to this I've just become a fiance and am trying to teach myself to be a good wifesmiley - smiley I'm struggling to get my son to eat but am not too concerned now as I noticed 4 new teeth popping through this morning. Here's where I really need your help in particular...having just moved to england I need help planning quick and easy menus to feed myself and my fiance.Could you suggest anything to help me learn?I've not got my head around evening meals yet,nevermind the lunchboxes he's been asking me to plan! There is hope for me yet-the rest of the housework is under control and the little one is smiling again-jeez I want to be a children again!

Help with Menu's

Post 2


Hi Coralie

I see you're getting your head nicely round this h2g2 stuff.

I'm afraid I'm a hopeless person to ask about food for children especially at that age as Jacquie & I didn't have any little ones - she was a teacher, and surrounded by 1000 kids at work really didn't feel the need for more at home!!

What's worse, is that I'm not the best person to ask for help for the kind of meal planning you want to carry out for your fiancé and you, as first of all, nearly all my planning is for 5 course dinners for our B&B guests, which isn't really the sort of thing you're looking for. The rest of the time, it's leftovers!! Plus, living in France, it's not very much help to suggest "why don't you pop into SuperU and pick up some of their salade piemontaise"!! However, you could ask on the main food board.

What I would like to say is that the more information you give people (budget, cooking time available, likes and dislikes and skill levels) the more they will help, you'll find. There are quite a number of others more or less in your shoes, so they'll be only too pleased to help out. If you look at past threads, you'll see that the most active ones are those where people share their needs as precisely as possible. The ones where there's little activity are those where someone says "What shall I do for supper?" Without giving any helpful clues. I know that whewn I see such a post, if I'm feeling kind I press "next" to pass on to the next discussion, and if I'm feeling less kind, I will reply something like "Depends what you feel like cooking" D'you see what I mean? If I see a specific question "I fancy cooking a casserole chicken recipe" any ideas I MAY send something, or else I may suggest you use the BBC recipe search, which is brilliant for that sort of thing. Do you know about it?


Help with Menu's

Post 3


You see you really are a gem."No I cant really help but here, let me send you a biblesmiley - laugh" I never knew about it,wow. See my fiance bought me this fantastic software for a computerised menu planner-generates shopping lists and everything.But you have to give it a foundation to go from and I didn't know how to give it one-I think you just did that for mesmiley - smileyMatt and I have been debating between italy and france-I was inclined toward Italy,but you are doing well to change my mind for mesmiley - smiley

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