This is the Message Centre for Furious_of_Forges

Meeting a Borough Market.

Post 1


Herewith as promised, my new conversation about Saturday.

Jacquie & I will be getting there probably around 10 or 10.30, and as I said earlier, pottering around, sussing out what's knew and probably ordering stuff for the 6th (Smoked haddock for example).

Although we've made the "official" meeting place & time at Silka's 1 to 1.30pm, I'd be only too delighted if anyone wants to bounce up to us earlier and introduce themselves.

I've posted it already on the main board, but here's a link to a picture of Jacquie & me so you can recognise us!

If anyone else wants to do the same, then why not use this relatively private place to do so. If you want to do so (and of course we'll all understand very well if you don't want to) but don't know how, I'll be happy to talk you through it, though I'll not be around on Thursday as that's the day we're heading for the UK.


Meeting a Borough Market.

Post 2


I'll be there from about 10ish too.

The stupidly huge picture of me is at: (I'm the one not wearing a hat)

I'll be wandering round with my Dad (he wants to come to the market but doesn't fancy lunch).

Meeting a Borough Market.

Post 3


I can't find any reference to say that it's against the rules to give out contact details here. So in case anyone needs it I am also reachable on my mobile: 07875785426.

(Yay, no annoying 3 minute wait to post followups.

Meeting a Borough Market.

Post 4


I'll probably aim to get there around 11.30 to 12.00 with my mum.

Here's a photo of me:

And here's one of mum:

(I know it's not a good photo of ma but I haven't got many of her in digital format already on my PC so it'll do)

As above, if anyone spots us wandering around, do feel free to come up and introduce yourselves!

Meeting a Borough Market.

Post 5

Stokey Sue

As it probably the easiest for me to get there, I'll probably be the last to arrive - I have to fall out of the front door onto a 149 bus - how hard can it be?

Anyway, this is me, in the centre, with melktert

PS I usually have my eyes open (ish)

PPS to my left, your right, with beer - Lee.

Meeting a Borough Market.

Post 6


Oh yes thats _such_ a great picture of me?

Meeting a Borough Market.

Post 7


Meeting a Borough Market.

Post 8

Stokey Sue

sorry - it's the only pic I think anyone might recognise me from!

Meeting a Borough Market.

Post 9


The wink was supposed to convey amusement smiley - smiley You have nothing to be sorry about.

Meeting a Borough Market.

Post 10


And this is me. I'm normally in focus smiley - smiley

Meeting a Borough Market.

Post 11


I hate links. They never work for me. Anyway you can see it even if bbc don't like the at symbol so type it in the address bar.

Meeting a Borough Market.

Post 12


Thanks to all who sent links. I WAS going to print them out, but sadly flikr pics don't print. I just hope I remember you all when you come bouncing up!

We're in our final preparations for leaving. Frantic yesterday, a bit quieter today thank heavens.

May be able to pop on briefly tonight and again on Friday


Meeting a Borough Market.

Post 13


Have a good trip Ian!

See you on Sat.

Meeting a Borough Market.

Post 14


It's been pointed out to me that when you follow the link to my mum's picture on my flickr account you might notice that the very previous picture in my photo stream is an eggcup with a penis.


Just thought I'd better explain myself - I uploaded that (and other eggcup pictures) as a support set to go with my Christmas present wishlist which I posted in my blog. I collect eggcups you see and because I have so many I've recently restricted myself to three categories - kitsch 60s and 70s eggcups (particularly in greens, browns and oranges), wildlife eggcups (have to show the animals as they are rather than teddy bears or bunnies in funny outfits or cartoon animals) and erotica eggcups. I already have a brilliant one in that latter category of a nude nurse with moving boobies - they are mounted on hinged wires. So anyway, I've culled these images from ebay auctions for eggcups that I've wanted but not won in order to give a couple of friends an idea of what kind of stuff I'm looking for. So THAT'S why there's a picture of a penis directly next to one of my mum.

OK. Phew!

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