This is the Message Centre for Izzybelle

Greetings Izzybell!!

Post 21


Have a good day! smiley - smiley
I hope you'll have some success with all those trams and buses. smiley - winkeye

Greetings Izzybell!!

Post 22


Erm, I forgot - I wanted to invite you to my summerhouse, too. And actually that goes for you, Jazz, also. This used to be summerhouse of me and €ngländer but since we split up at the end of 2002 it's all mine now. smiley - winkeyesmiley - tea, smiley - coffee, conversation and nice view is always available. F95414?thread=199353&post=2927682#p2927682

Greetings Izzybell!!

Post 23

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Ok, thats good to know, Hati...& it can be summer, on hootoo, at least!

Greetings Izzybell!!

Post 24


Åh, Hati you are a generous and friendly person. Thanks for the invitation.smiley - smiley
Traffic situation for wretched souls like my self, who has to rely on public transport is a joke winter-time in this town... I won´t say no more.
*withdrawing-to-the-kitchen-regions-to-take-care-of-a-hungry-bunch-of- teenagers*

Greetings Izzybell!!

Post 25


That gives me a good excuse for living in a small town with everything in the walking distance. I will never make any driver myself and anyway, I can't afford a car. *shrugs* smiley - smiley

Greetings Izzybelle!!

Post 26

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

I must admit, I also rely on public tranport (smiley - erm I attempted to post the site, but had some difficulty...stay tuned smiley - winkeye will try again!), although, somewhat like Hati, I live in a community that was once a small town. So, a good number of things are within walking distance. But, yes, public transport can be inconvenient smiley - erm.

Greetings Izzybelle!!

Post 27

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Hmm, that was it, (take edmonton transit system/service)...let's see if it works, this time.

Greetings Izzybelle!!

Post 28

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Ok, that works! Since we were talking about public transport, I thought I'd include our city's transit/transport site. If you click on ETS About Us, there's just a bit of a photo Gallery.

Greetings Izzybelle!!

Post 29


Thanks for the "tour" of Edmonton, Jazz.
See if I can do the same for you.
But thats has to be later.
I am once again heading for an exciting experience in the snow

Greetings Izzybelle!!

Post 30


It's getting only worse out there, isn't it? smiley - brr

Greetings Izzybelle!!

Post 31

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Hi Hati *waves*

Greetings Izzybelle!!

Post 32


Jazz! smiley - smiley

Greetings Izzybelle!!

Post 33

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

smiley - hug Hati!

Greetings Izzybelle!!

Post 34


smiley - hug

It's snowing here now. Horizontally though... smiley - brr

Greetings Izzybelle!!

Post 35


I never got a greeting like this, I got a laxy ACE and a no one else. Lucky

smiley - blacksheep

Greetings Izzybelle!!

Post 36


Do you feel bitter?
smiley - zoom

Greetings Izzybelle!!

Post 37


Yes, a little bit.

smiley - blacksheep

Greetings Izzybelle!!

Post 38


Let´s see if we can make things better for you.
You´ll allways be welcome in to my space for a smiley - choc and a cup of good strong smiley - coffee sometimes we can celebrate with smiley - bubbly and smiley - cake.
Talk about important issues or just have a chit-chat!
Are you a newbie too?
smiley - zoom

Greetings Izzybelle!!

Post 39


Technically, yes, but only because I forgot my login password, and had to start a new account, but I've been on this site for quite some time.

smiley - blacksheep

Greetings Izzybelle!!

Post 40


Hi, Jodan! smiley - smiley

I hope you feel fine! OTOH I am doing better with sad people - I can try to comfort them or at least listen.
Anyway, if you happen to need a guardian angel...
In your service. smiley - smiley

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