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howay the lads

Post 41


i wouldn't be frightened of trish i've heard she can be very nice and polite sometimes!

howay the lads

Post 42


ooooh don't believe EVERYTHING u here babes!! lmaopmp

Trish smiley - hug

howay the lads

Post 43

stoopid cupid

hunny are we talking about the same trish pmpl...awwwwwww she can be polite sumtimes....well i think i remember her being polite once, in fact i'm sure i can, well i think i cansmiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - run puff! smiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - run

howay the lads

Post 44


aw i meant it in a nice way smiley - hug

howay the lads

Post 45


oi! missus!!
bloody butterfingers!!smiley - nahnah
i gotta a rep to keep up u know!!
smiley - tongueout

smiley - whistle

morning dee
(take no notice of blackpoolebelle....she smiley - loves me really!!) lmaopmp
smiley - run

howay the lads

Post 46


smiley - laugh my sis. used to live in blackpool nowt wrong with blackpool folk although they are a tad mad lol smiley - run

howay the lads

Post 47


lol a tad????

oic, ur being polite cos ur on here? lmaopmp

hiya dee n howz u? smiley - hug

howay the lads

Post 48


PARDON?? smiley - laugh one is always polite wherever one might be smiley - laughsmiley - run

howay the lads

Post 49


i may know of one that is the exception!! smiley - winkeye lmao

howay the lads

Post 50

stoopid cupid

scuse me....i am completely san and not at all mad!!!smiley - biggrin honest!!!!!smiley - ok

howay the lads

Post 51

stoopid cupid

scuse me....i am completely san and not at all mad!!!smiley - biggrin honest!!!!!smiley - ok

howay the lads

Post 52

stoopid cupid

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and i'm sane toosmiley - blush

howay the lads

Post 53


lmaopmp smiley - ok C i got the msg!!
ur the san-ist person i know!!
smiley - winkeyesmiley - whistlesmiley - run

howay the lads

Post 54

SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds


smiley - tomato

smiley - run

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