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howay the lads

Post 21


oi!! watch it cockney or u'll have two northern lasses to deal with n i get the feeling it'll b u who loses!! so smiley - nahnah

well how u doing mark? just whiling the tima away till wendy
makes the tea?? smiley - tongueout
smiley - run

howay the lads

Post 22


somert u wouldnt know about eh hard work smiley - laughsmiley - tongueout i feel sorry for wendy that poor woman

howay the lads

Post 23


hiya dee

howz things going? smiley - smiley

Trish smiley - hug

howay the lads

Post 24


hiya not doing a lot just browsing on here got to pick b/f up at 8 from work then going shopping then back home so will have to tape eastenders and corrie lol that mark's a cheeky bugger he asking for a hiding mind u he would probably enjoy that

howay the lads

Post 25


OMG!! i think we're living in a paralell world!!lol
the bayrns gone to boxing(near his dads in shields)n comes home about 8ish, so i meet him at the bus station n go to morrisons(on fridays) so I'LL have to tape corrie n enders too! lmao smiley - weird

neway left u an email smiley - smiley

howay the lads

Post 26


lol oh n yeah knowing him he wud!!

but i'm SURE we can work something out between us!! smiley - winkeye

howay the lads

Post 27


its scary to think someone has a boring life like mine smiley - laugh im going off here probably wont be around much over the weekend b/f not at work lol he doesnt know about this site i dont trust him enough to tell him sad that aint it i used to be a very trusting person but he's changed that men eh have a good weekend chat soon

howay the lads

Post 28


smiley - ok dee

have a really nice one eh??
(make up 4 mine!) lmao aaaawwww
bet ur filling up now aren't ya?
smiley - winkeye

catch u l8r

Trish smiley - smiley

howay the lads

Post 29


thats sounds promising!
erm i'm sure you'd both fight dirty anyway...especially the've done karate havn't you yes you would win!
hahaha its me who's cooking tonight as i have been most nights just lately...not that i'm
blowing my own trumpet or anything!
and i must just say one thing i am not a cor,blimey cockney..i live in kent for christ sake!

howay the lads

Post 30


i may be a cheeky bugger but you'd miss me if i doidn't pester you wouldn't ya miss.boring??

howay the lads

Post 31


so wot ARE u then? a kentonian???
listen mush, kents near enuff to cockneys for me therefore ur a cockney smiley - ok?

u gonna argue with that like????

Trish smiley - hugsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - run

howay the lads

Post 32


no i'd never argue with you!
cos you'd nag me to death for starters wouldn't you???
so hows your weekend going and more important mothers day??

howay the lads

Post 33


smiley - erm wot does this word 'nag' mean???? smiley - whistle

n yep, going good thanx smiley - smiley
gotta lovely pair of earrrings from my son,(to replace my favourite pair cos i lost one!!)
he's an smiley - angel
(from his mothers side ofcourse!!) smiley - tongueout

smiley - laughsmiley - run

howay the lads

Post 34


i didn't think you'd know the word nag somehow!
glad your days going so well..what a lovely pressie your son got you..of course he takes after his mum,she given him some great qualities and should be well chuffed of herself!

howay the lads

Post 35

stoopid cupid

trish invented the word!!!! hee smiley - biggrin but dont tell her i told you, coz shes scares me....

oooooh hiya trish didnt see ya there how r ya hun smiley - hug

smiley - whistlesmiley - run

howay the lads

Post 36

stoopid cupid

smiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - run hey trish your helping my diet hun smiley - biggrin

howay the lads

Post 37


he's a southern softie smiley - laugh

howay the lads

Post 38


yep lmao
think i'll second that hun!!

howay the lads

Post 39


awww i love you too yorkie!

howay the lads

Post 40


trust you to agree with HER!
so was eatenders and corrie good tonite???
ta for emails can't see 'em but thanks anyway! xx

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