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howay the lads

Post 1


hiya hinny,
how ya gannin? smiley - laugh

Trish smiley - hug

howay the lads

Post 2


hi trish im ok busy working hows u?

howay the lads

Post 3


just finiahed!! phew!!
time for a ciggie n a cuppa smiley - tea to join me? lol

howay the lads

Post 4


yeh sounds like a good idea smiley - laugh so wot u bin upto?

howay the lads

Post 5


OMG!! nowt exciting i'm afaid!!smiley - sadface
just the same old chores, but with the weather being so nice, i've gone mad stripping beds n doin loadsa washing etc!! smiley - doh
keep 4gettin that means more work for ME n no one else!!smiley - grr

surely i'll get the hang of it one day!!?? smiley - laugh

n how about u?

here ...smiley - tea

howay the lads

Post 6


wheres my cig smiley - laugh ok i'll have one of my own just bin working went to south shields on sunday was alright never been there before had a pub lunch at marsden rattler and it was terrible the service was bad and i think the food was from the day before needless to say wont be eating there again should of settled for fish n chips cos they smelt lovely next time i will got nowt planned for the weekend as yet and the high light of tonight will be watching eastenders smiley - huh such an interesting life i lead

howay the lads

Post 7


aawww i'm surprised mind, cos it used to b good in the rattler!!

(mind that was a few yrs ago so i dunno wot i'm talkin about do i? lol)

but u can't go wrong with the chippies in ocean rd can ya? smiley - smiley

yep, snap with enders!lol
OMG!! smiley - yikeswe gotta get a life!!smiley - whistle

howay the lads

Post 8


well THAT was a bit of a let down wasn't it? smiley - sadface
spose we'll have to tune in tomorrow to c sum action after the build up!! lol smiley - doh

howay the lads

Post 9


it was rubbish was eastenders still will have to watch it again tnight lol and theres corrie too although thats got boring now since the depart of richard well off to work now only 5 hrs to do grabbing a bit of overtime needs must

howay the lads

Post 10


yep, that's me friday night sorted!! lol
i only watch enders n corrie n both r pretty boring at the moment:0(
busy day ahead of me n i can hardly keep my eyes open!
gonna b one of those days me thinx smiley - yikes

don't work too hard n i'll catch u l8r smiley - smiley

Trish smiley - peacedove

howay the lads

Post 11


Diane i cant believe you watch corrie and should watch good quality progs like the salon! lol xxx

howay the lads

Post 12


morning joss smiley - winkeye

trust u to pipe up!! smiley - laugh

how u doing? haven't heard from u in a while

Trish smiley - hug

howay the lads

Post 13


lol erm was i talking to u i think not i also watch brookie on a saturday such a sad life eh xx

howay the lads

Post 14


and theres friends on too tnight ooooo im so excited what will i do all afternoon put some washing in clean the flat make tea yep should take all aft to do that

howay the lads

Post 15


OMG!! i can't believe u like friends as well!!!! lmao
oh teah that'll EASILY take all afternon that litte lot!!lol
fraid i gtg now n finish some ironing otherwise it won't get finished b4 i gotta make the smiley - tea n it'll drag on till the good teles on!lol

so enjoy urself,
chat soon smiley - smiley

Trish xx

howay the lads

Post 16


oh guess what i made a cuppa had a fag and fell asleep lol must of needed it smiley - smiley

howay the lads

Post 17


yeah, i have been known to doze off at times too!! smiley - zzz

i reckon it's cos we work soooooo hard!!(ahem,cough, splutter)
smiley - winkeyesmiley - run

howay the lads

Post 18


hiya Trish the dish...i'm fine thanks i have been around but never long enough to do owt!
so i thought i would check out what my 2 pals were doing!
very sad diane watches brookie and friends..i thought YOU had better taste than that!
hope your ok in toonville and not too busy like our other pal is! xxx

howay the lads

Post 19


awww sleeping beauty is awake again....i reckon your bored cos of these soaps you keep watching
but what do i know after all i am a bloke! xx

howay the lads

Post 20


yes i do agree with what you last said there you and the yorkie do work sooo hard...LMAO

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