
It always pains me to talk about myself, but here goes.

My first name is John (or Johnny if you like), and I am from a small town in the West Midlands, England. Small town aptly sums Redditch up but at least the place furnished myself and several good friends with a sense of irony. I may write an entry about it one day (mostly dangerous).

I escaped to Nottingham in 1997 where I graduated with a degree in Law from the Nottingham Trent University. I had three fantastic years (one drunken, one heartbroken, one in love) and met many, many friends, few of whom conformed to the traditional student type. I even managed to escape to an island in the Caribbean (Nevis)to visit a friend who was working out there. There I met the rap singer Heavy D. He was very nice.

Following university I returned to the 'Ditch. After working in offices, being unemployed and selling boilers (mmmm. telesales) I managed to pay off my overdraft and got the job that I am still doing at a legal publishing company in London as a sub-editor.

Am liking London a lot and having lived with (ex) girlfriend's parents, a mad girl who used to chase me around with a dirty spoon and said (ex) girlfriend, I have just moved in with four of my dearest chums in South London. I am hoping for a year of comedy, after the unmitigated disaster that was living with the girlfriend.

That about brings us up to speed and I realise I have not said what I like to do to whittle away the hours. I like reading, movies (especially Point Break), comedy (mista Hicks), music (I play guitar after a fashion), video games but mostly I like having a giggle.

Well if you got to the bottom then you must have much time on your hands. But you know more than an of my old school colleges do from the Friends Reunited site. Good thing too.

That about brings us up to speed and I realise I have not said what I like to do to whittle away the hours. I like reading, movies (especially Point Break), comedy (mista Hicks), music (I play guitar after a fashion) and video games, but mostly I like having a giggle.

Well if you got to here then you must have much time on your hands. But you know more than an of my old school collegues do from the Friends Reunited site. Good thing too.

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Hi John.... Jan 31, 2003


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