This is the Message Centre for Tomboygirl

Greetings sci-fi fan!!!

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hi U217123 and welcome to h2g2 smiley - hug
I'm Galaxy Babe your ACE {Assistant Community Editor} and I am here to offer any assistance you may require as a new user.smiley - chick
This is not an automated greeting, I'm a real person, honest! {and a volunteer}smiley - ok
smiley - flyhi
To have a look at what you can do with your Personal Space, just click on my name. smiley - biggrin
Then have a look at the <./>GuideML-Clinic</.> to learn how to do it.
Also check out the smiley - cool smiley page <./>smiley</.>
We have the best smileys on the web! smiley - orangefishsmiley - martiansmilesmiley - bluebutterfly
smiley - sheepsmiley - dragonsmiley - blacksheep
If you have any queries or just want to chat,smiley - teasmiley - cake just click the reply button and type. This thread will refresh on my Personal Space and I will reply next time I am online.smiley - online2long

In the meantime, have fun!smiley - cheers

smiley - flyhi

p.s. To change your Researcher number to a name, just click the "Preferences" button, type a name in then click "update". smiley - earthsmiley - rocketsmiley - starsmiley - planet

Greetings sci-fi fan!!!

Post 2



Thanks for the welcome note. Not had a chance till now to reply (only work part-time, you'd think I'd have plenty of time!) Going to check out the conversations then have to say goodbye for the evening as got stuff to do.

Greetings sci-fi fan!!!

Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hello again Tomboygirl!

Thanks for changing your number to a name, you'll find people remember you so much better!smiley - winkeye

Let me know how you get on, and if you get stuck or have any queries just click reply. smiley - smiley

Have fun!smiley - towel

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