Journal Entries

Albert Einstein's Birthday!

14th March 2003 - as well as being the Comic Relief, aka Red Nose Day, this is also the birthday of Albert Einstein, one of the most prestigious and innovative scientist of the 20th century.

For my love of Physics, I have included this link to the NOVA site where they have a graphically intensive but nice page on Einstein.

I hope someone would discover this link! 'Tis good.

Have fun.


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Latest reply: Mar 14, 2003


Having a bad time with my bicycle this week...

I was supposedly to do a night ride with my CTC on Tuesday night but didn't make it because I lost my way to the oub where we are meeting up..

On Thursday morning on my way into work my bicycle has its back wheel loose because it lost the bolt smiley - yikes(!) And then a severe punture on the same wheel...I was wondering why it was almost impossible to go uphill on the normal gear...

Ended up having to walk 40minutes to work because I was half way along a motorway...

This morning my wheel came off again so I have to push my bike back home (20mins) then take 2 buses to work....1hr15mins journey...

You get automobilophobia - anything auto-mobiles are just distasteful...getting on the bus was a traumatising experience...lucky I have got my copy of "The Name of a Rose" with me (by Umbertino Eco, very good)to keep my mind from thinking about the bus journey itself...

Do you get withdrawl symptoms for not getting onto your bicycles? Because I certainly do and it does not help being on a Friday as well...'tis terrible...I get really depressed...People just thought that I was under the weather...

Anyway. Enough moaning from me. For those of you who read this, have a nice weekend! smiley - smiley


Friday 7th Mar 2003

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Latest reply: Mar 7, 2003

Links for today

Last day of February...alas...

Just encountered these 2 things in the novel I am reading at the moment....

St. Isidore of Sevile

The Trinitarian Dogma

Very long articles but interesting in their own way...


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Latest reply: Feb 28, 2003

Does every living thing dies alone..?

I have seen Donnie Darko in the cinema last week (I am in the UK..).

There are so many things to think about from the movie...

One of those things that bothers me is,

'Every living thing dies alone..'

Looking at the films that has been made so far, Loneliness is one of the hottest running theme...

And to be honest, being a young person myself, I really feel for Donnie when he said in one of his psychiatric-therapy counciling session : 'I don't want to be alone!'

(long, deep sigh~~)

I KNOW what he means...

But then why does it matter so much if every living creature dies alone?

I find it strangely frightening when I think about dying alone, in the dark, on the side of the dual carriage way in the dead of night when no one is around...?

The torturingly slow sort of death, such as broken your leg (you have fallen off your bike...) and the night is freezing cold as you lie on the icy ground, alone, in the engulfing darkness...?

No one knows. Perhaps no one cares.

Why is this instinctive feeling of not wanting to be alone?

Do you find it hard to ask yourself these questions and search your soul for the weakness..?

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Latest reply: Jan 28, 2003

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