Journal Entries
A homecomming
Posted Feb 27, 2006
Well, we're back . I don't think I'll go into too much detail about Milly's birth as there were quite a few complications
. It is however in the past and I'm recovering at lightening speed, the midwife was shocked to find I was only on paracetamol
. I'm very aneamic to the point where I've been offered a blood transfusion but thanks to some sleep I'm feeling heaps better
Milly's beautiful and amazingly well behaved. She's been a lot better since we came home on Saturday lunchtime, with the sounds she's familiar with. Last night she slept from 8.45pm until 4.15am and then from 4.30am until 7.30am . PSG and I are still in shock as to how well she's settling in. She's due her heel prick test today though so she won't like that very much
A big thank-you for all the emails, PSG printed them off and brought them into hospital for me . Everyone did their best to make being in hospital as easy as possibly but it's so nice to be home
And she's sooo cute
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Latest reply: Feb 27, 2006
Things that have happened
Posted Jan 20, 2006
I can't think of an interesting journal title , but I thought I'd write a bit about what I've been up to as I don't seem to get online very often.
I've resigned from the ACEs, something I've been trying to do for a while but the computer kept crashing. Basically I've not been doing any ACEing lately so having the badge seemed a bit pointless .
Offline the nesting instinct seems to have really kicked in. We got a new computer a couple of weeks ago but PSG is far more interested in the new fridge freezer . Almost every room has its pile of baby things and there's very rarely a time when there isn't wet paint in the house.
The bathroom has no tiles at the moment but that should change Monday.
We also seem self supporting an entire flock of sparrows, there are rarely fewer than twenty five birds in the garden . The current mild weather seems to have tricked the plants into beliving it's spring and the garden's beginning to thrive
Baby is growing nicely and I now have a bump so big that some of my maternity clothes are getting too tight . Only three weeks to go though so hopefully it won't get too much bigger. The head's low down now so I can't go very far from the loo
. Baby really doesn't like sudden loud mornings and isn't very fond of mornings either. Generally though I'm doing well for 37 weeks pregnant with nothing apart from the normal niggles associated with being this far on. I do go through a lot of milk though
I hope everyone's doing well,
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Latest reply: Jan 20, 2006
Away for a bit
Posted Dec 20, 2005
Well, PSG and I are off to Hemel tomorrow for my birthday and christmas. Then it's back up here on boxing day for christmas 2 with PSG's family (I've already had birthday 1 with them). After that I'll try and arrange christmas 3 with the northern branch of my extended family. Then it's new year followed by (or preceeded by depending on how thing work out) the Baby Shopping Trip .
Basically I think it highly unlikely I'll be back online before the new year, so have a great christmas and new year, and all the best for all the other days too
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Latest reply: Dec 20, 2005
Unc and PSG's bit of news...
Posted Oct 17, 2005
Well, in reality we've known for quite a while, but this afternoon it was all officially confirmed. I should really have mentioned it sooner, but so much has been happening lately I've been focussing on one thing at a time.
there's going to be another h2g2 baby
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Latest reply: Oct 17, 2005
Posted Sep 16, 2005
Sorry, it just needed to be said
Yay for the weekend!
I don't have to get up at 5.30 tomorrow morning either!
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Latest reply: Sep 16, 2005
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