This is the Message Centre for bribery

Welcome to h2g2, an avid reader I see!

Post 1


Hello, pleased to meet you!

My name's Terri, & I'm an Ace, which means I've volunteered to try & help "newbies" find their way around this fascinating, but initially somewhat confusing site.

I'm not the most technology orientated person around, but I know plenty of people who are if you need that sort of advice; so please ask away if there's anything you're not sure of.

You've written an intro to your Space, so you're obviously "au fait" with computers generally; as you're a "real books" person, you might like to click on this to go direct to the Bookworms Club A745544

If you'd just like to "lurk" around & see what's going on, please do so; everyone here is very friendly & if you say you are a "newbie" they'll be even more helpful!

Have fun!
smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri
(ps: how did you get to hear about h2g2?)

Welcome to h2g2, an avid reader I see!

Post 2


many thanks for the welcome

I found h2g2 by chance as I was trying out BBCi as a search tool & thought I would try my luck with 'creasey' & up popped a couple of links into here.

I shall stay low for a little while 'lurking' and see how things develop & drop into interesting conversations - then who knows i may get serious.

Thanks again

Welcome to h2g2, an avid reader I see!

Post 3


You're welcome!

zen>smiley - devilTerri

Welcome to h2g2, an avid reader I see!

Post 4


Just found this, which I'm sure will interest you. Ashley has worked on a university project with Richard about Richard's father --John Creasey!

You can go there direct by clicking on U276

Have fun!

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri

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