This is the Message Centre for Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir

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Post 1

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

Right, I don't mean to insult you, but Doc is really getting on my nerves. Can you perhaps set up a conversation somewhere where you and him can talk instead of him just chatting you up randomply on random conversations about random things...?

Oh, and this is just a personal observation here, but methinks he could do well with learning (as you did before him) some tact when dealing with excitable young women.

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Post 2

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir

Jade, the truth is he doesn't need to learn about tact. In fact he knows all about tact. In this situation (where he doesn't see this interaction as ever going to reflect on him in his real life, a postion that I'm inclined to agree with) he doesn't see the need to be tactful. Being here gives him some sort of, well, immunaty and lack of culpability for his actions.

But Jade, don't worry about it. He really is a good guy. Trust me on that. And, he doesn't want you to be really mad. Some girls like to pretend to be mad to amuse themselves and the people around them. He thinks you're being like that, and while I think that you would prefer to be happy, I think that being angry on H2G2 does entertain you in the sense that it takes you away from the stuff that you have to deal with in real life.

But anyway, don't worry about that. Although to one another we are only text, I will be praying for you, becaue I know it is the only way I can really make a difference, from a distance.

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Post 3

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

...all that I have to say in reply to that is "Whatever you say, Father Hjik."

I am just going to shut my mouth from here on out about anything having to do with Doc, on h2g2 or otherwise.

And besides all that, you should know by now that I am not just "some girl."

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Post 4

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir

Do you think that is how I think of you?

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Post 5

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

Oi, I'm just repeating what you wrote in that first post of yours. Because this is, after all, just words, isn't it?

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Post 6

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir

In here, we define ourselves with the words we use, Jade. So no, I suppose it isn't just words. It's a one mirror into a person's mind. Granted, you may not know who I am as a whole person, but you have a decent view of the mind that's behind the evil vampiric face and intense gaze.

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Post 7

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir

Also, now that I think of it, I don't remember saying you were just a girl, but obviously you are not. But Jade, you have to understand my view of the world is really really different. I don't see you as just a girl, as I see you as more than that, but less like a girl. This is hard to explain, but when I look at you I'm not trying to imagine what you look like or what fuels your engine in the real world, although these things are important. I try to see the soul which is not defined by gender or societal normalcies, so I guess what I'm trying to say is, jsut because I don't have a crush on you (at least not one that I'm aware of) doesn't mean that I'm not fond of you, understand?

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Post 8

Doc Obi-Wan, summoner of the strength, compadre' of Hjik

Well, since you're talking about me, why not join in for a sec? i'll say this and den leave, cause I know ya'll probably don't want me here. ya'll are both probly very attractive, intelligent and creative human beings. so you guys are gonna flirt. i'm a jackass intentionally, an art that was learned from the great tuhy, so he doesn't have the right to reproach me on the issue. i don't mean to piss either one of ya's off, but this is what drives me crazy. i can tell two things cause i've known tuhy long enough to know. tuhy is trying to walk a fine line that he walks with everybody, he cares with all his heart about everyone he gets to know and call his friends. but he acts indifferent sometimes, not because he doesn't care, but because he doesn't want others to realize how much he cares, to keep them from caring for him the way he cares for them, because he doesn't want to be a burden, he doesn't want to get too close for his own good and for their own good, and mostly, he doesn't want to be really known by anybody.

yes, I'm writing this while I'm mad. But what I wrote is the truth regardless, whether or not either one of you wanted to hear it. so there it is. and tuhy, don't take sides with sam against me again.

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Post 9

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir

Well, here we go again. The two of you (meaning Doc and Sam) arguing over another petty issue which is more or less about the how to squeeze the toothpaste tube (figuratively speaking). If you don't want me to take sides, don't ask me what I think then. And as far as that post goes, whether you are correct or not (and I'm not going to comment on that in this forum) I would like to point out that I nor Jade asked for your opinion. Yes I give you my opinion, when you f***ing ask for it. And no, I'm not angry when I write this, just tired of all the unnecessesary drama. Some of us have to real honest to God battles to fight Doc, and I don't want to deal with artificial electronic melodrama when I have more important things to think about. Go ahead, bring me the melodrama if you want my help sorting it out, but this whole thing with you and Sam is artificial and you're having it out just to have something to do this week.

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Post 10

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir

Besides, this was suppossed to be a private thread for a private conversation. True, my life is an open book, but have some f***ing respect for God's sake.

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Post 11

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

Well, all due respect completely aside, (oh yes, aside,) he /does/ read all the e-mails I send you, too. So why the hell should he reasd the stuff here?

Anyway. Okay Tuhy. You don't think I'm just some gel. That works quite well for me.

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Post 12

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir

"Anyway. Okay Tuhy. You don't think I'm just some gel. That works quite well for me."

You're right, I can honestly say I never though you were some gel, though you have been in my hair a few times. . . . .

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Post 13

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

Gel. Girl. Same thing.

What is it with you yanks...? lol

SO ANYWAY! Where were we previously? because I think we've quite gotten off the original thread of this conversation. Perhaps we should just egt onto a new topic.

How do you feel about wombats, Master T?

(And so a new pet name is born... lol)

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Post 14

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir

Oh I hate that name, I prefer Hjik, which means the walking dead.

I think Doc and Sam will let us talk alone in here now, I've spoken with both of them on the subject. My privacy will be respected or there will be hell to pay.

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Post 15

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

I am aware of the meaning of your name, as you have reminded me of it numerous times.

Wow, hell to pay, is it? Sounds serious. But what will we be speaking about that we should need absolute privacy...?

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Post 16

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir

Nothing that would require absoute privacy, (don't you wish) but still its the principle of the thing.

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Post 17

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

Don't I wish?

See, this is what I'm thinking Tuhy. You don't want to admit that I am getting a bit under your skin. And you won't. Because you've never met me, and I am no more yto you than the words playing across your cpomputer screen. And therefore cold and distant and intangeble. You don't weant to get too close to me because you're afraid of what it might mean about your psyche, and besides that it would make for a very difficult situation.

I feel the same way.

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Post 18

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

...or don't you agree?

And truthfully, by the lack of your reply, I don't know what to think. I'm really not trying to tick you off here, and I'm sorry if that's how you feel. But I'm spent, more or less.

To change the subject... Hey, where the heck is HDS? Wasn't he supposed to jump in on our battle and stop you from killing me...? Is he still planning on doing that? Because if not I'm sure we can think of something else, I'm just very reluctant to post any actions on my side until I know what the heck is going on. Ye ken?

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Post 19

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir

Hds has lost interenst in our duel, he's losing interest in a lot of things H2G2, but what are you gonna do?

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Post 20

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

So what /are/ we going to do? Surely you won't kill me.

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