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a great new weight loss programme

Post 61


My scale is nowhere near as spiffy, but it's digital and so shows weight loss/gain to the nearest gram.

I always prefer to weigh myself first thing in the morning cos I not only weigh less then but, as Sho says, it's easier to establish a baseline.

Anyhow, I know it doesn't count but I've lost 1.5 kilos in the past 24 hours. smiley - tongueout


a great new weight loss programme

Post 62


smiley - bubblysmiley - biggrin

a great new weight loss programme

Post 63


Down another .3 of a kilo today, which doesn't sound like much but that makes it 1.8 kilos (about 4 pounds) in just two days. Yeah, yeah, mostly water I know but it's gotta be healthy to lose a bit of water bloat I reckon. Also, it's good for the ol' motivation.

I know I said I was only going to weigh myself once a week but you two have got me interested in seeing the changes. I'm also keeping a food, drink & exercise diary so I can see which combinations help me lose more weight.

Yesterday I actually ate quite a lot, but more veg, less carbs. Toast with olive oil and tomatoes (and huge mug of coffee) for breakfast. Garlic-lemon chicken breast with steamed veg (and a bit of Noggin's potato salad) plus a glass of smiley - redwine for lunch, and huge plate of steamed veg for dinner. And I even went out with Nog for a couple of beers in the evening!

Meanwhile, I did the 10 kms on the bike plus took two hour-long walks - didn't have time for the arm weights, but will do those for sure today.

Thanks again for inspiring me, anhaga! smiley - cheers


a great new weight loss programme

Post 64


smiley - smiley

a great new weight loss programme

Post 65


Up to 1.9 kilos lost so far this week. I actually thought I might have put on half a kilo or something, since it *is* all water loss this week and that can fluctuate a lot. I don't know why people say 'it's *just* water loss' cos I can actually see a difference in how my tummy looks. I mean, that's a lot of excess water to lose that was previously smiley - puff ing me up.

Anyhow, now waiting to see when 'muscle weight gain' and 'fat weight loss' cancel each other out. Did that happen to you for awhile, anhaga?


a great new weight loss programme

Post 66


Almost forgot to add . . . also haven't had a cig since Sunday! smiley - smiley


a great new weight loss programme

Post 67


' Did that happen to you for awhile, anhaga?'

smiley - erm

I'm not sure. I don't think I'm gaining much muscle: there's always been a lot there.smiley - erm

a great new weight loss programme

Post 68

Sho - employed again!

I'm definitely not losing weight. - but I'm not really gaining - just the usual up & down that I get over a month.

But I am getting slimmer - I notice that on some jeans which had got rather snug. But it's depressing. I want to weigh 65kg.

a great new weight loss programme

Post 69

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Congrats, all. I have decided that now I'm not busy doing renovations every day, I'll get back to the one exercise that decreases my weight and solves my acid reflux- sit ups. Starting with 25 every morning and evening and getting up to 50 or 60 a time. I use the sport ball I'm presently sitting on and put my feet against the wall. The action of the ball prevents injury (unless I fall off!)

smiley - puff

a great new weight loss programme

Post 70

Sho - employed again!

good for acid reflux?

think it would help a girl with a hernia?

a great new weight loss programme

Post 71

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Well it sounds like it would since it strengthens stomach muscles but I refuse to give medical advice since it always seems to end in misery and pain. smiley - laugh

a great new weight loss programme

Post 72


smiley - erm

I found that the exercise that solved my acid reflux was to reduce my caesar intake.

smiley - winkeye

a great new weight loss programme

Post 73

clzoomer- a bit woobly

I hear ya. I had a green thai curry with my daughter last weekend and I suffered for days afterward. I find that careful planning like taking acid reducers or acid pump regulators before I eat spicy food works well. As far as alcohol goes, I only need to take some calcium based heartburn tabs before I have anything more than a couple of drinks. Oddly, I found out that sake doesn't cause acid reflux (through the advice of a Japanese friend).

The sit ups are just part of a multi-part attack, but sadly they were the first to be left out when they were inconvenient.

a great new weight loss programme

Post 74


It should perhaps be noted (as I'm sure you're all aware):

alcohol = calories

a great new weight loss programme

Post 75

Sho - employed again!

that was the first thing I thought on Tuesday night when we (at the German meet) asked for our bill in the restaurant. Only ReddyFreddy, Mazin Mad Fiddler and me drank beer (B'Elana might have had one,I can't remember) and the waitress said... "blah, blah, blah [food stuff] and 28 beers..."

smiley - evilgrin

a great new weight loss programme

Post 76


Just to put it in perspective:

1 bottle Laphroiag = 3 Big Macs

smiley - evilgrin

a great new weight loss programme

Post 77

Sho - employed again!


my guess is the whisky is fat free....

smiley - evilgrin

a great new weight loss programme

Post 78


Not sure if this is true, but a friend of mine was told by her doctor that while there is no fat in alcohol our bodies metabolise it as if it were fat. He told my friend to imagine drinking a glass of vegetable oil the next time she poured herself a glass of wine (ick).

I had too much 'oil' yesterday but was still careful with food (and did both the bike and weights) and so I'm now down 2 kilos since Monday. Though I notice that if I get on and off the scale several times in a row I end up with a slightly different weight each time. And so I chose the one in the middle. Getting obsessive? Moi? smiley - biggrin


a great new weight loss programme

Post 79

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Or to put it into perspective for me-

1 bottle Laphroiag = 10 veggie burgers with soya cheese

smiley - biggrin

And even if I could regularly afford Laphroiag I would nurse it for at least a month or two. smiley - smiley

Now beer, there's the larger problem (that and perogies).

a great new weight loss programme

Post 80


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