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a great new weight loss programme

Post 41

Sho - employed again!

good for you lot!

I run for around 30 minutes (5kms) and that uses around 360 calories - which is pretty good when I can manage it at lunchtime because afterwards I don't have much appetite.

Today I've eaten a bowl of all bran (got to keep regular) and a pot of cottage cheese. After trying on a skirt I'm sewing, I'm thinking that sewing my lips together might be better...
smiley - wah

a great new weight loss programme

Post 42


The Dreaded Exercise Bike also shows calories burned per whatever - always best not to know.

Well, okay, I do know. Doing 10 kms on The Bike burns up a paltry 200 calories - that's like what? Two slices of toast? Pathetic.

Which is why it's better not to know. Just carry on . . .

Going on the fruit thing tomorrow - gaaaa!


a great new weight loss programme

Post 43

Sho - employed again!

well, that's partly why I run - as a fat burner it can't be beaten.

I hate exercise bikes - I get the feeling that only my thigh muscles are getting a work out - and mine are pretty solid.

In fact, I'm pretty solid. I do have a lot of muscle (but I have a flabby tummy and droopy boobs - gosh, I'm a Sexy Mama!!)

I guess my age is against me. smiley - wah I read recently about women coming up to the menopause storing fat.

smiley - grovelPlease make it not true!!!

Orange and carrot salad for me for tomorrow. Yummy and healthy.

Good luck!

a great new weight loss programme

Post 44


So far today for me:

a chunk of sushi
a bunch of that old favourite, Guru Lucky Punjabi Mix
a fig
lots of coffee
lots of tea

smiley - smiley

Perhaps later I'll have a bit of yam and a little bison.

I find it important to remember that the above is quite a bit more than most people in the world get each day.smiley - sadface

We westerners generally eat too much, far more than our ancestors ever did.

I also try to by local produce rather than stuff that's been hauled across the world and I try to get stuff that is primary production: grains rather than grain-fed meat, for example. Actually, I'm avoiding animal bits for the most part.

I'm fortunate, however, in that for most of my life my habit was to eat to live rather than live to eat. Getting by on a little isn't much of a struggle for me.

a great new weight loss programme

Post 45

Sho - employed again!

oh a fig
I'd kill for a fig right now
I don't appear to have any fruit in the house and the shops are closed until tuesday
smiley - wah

a great new weight loss programme

Post 46


I have a big Granny Smith apple saved for my brekky tomorrow (well, along with my usual industrial strength coffee). After that must go shopping for some more interesting fruit options.


a great new weight loss programme

Post 47


It's 12.30 and so far today I've had two granny smith apples and a big mug of coffee. Also did my 10 kms on The Bike earlier.

Planning a fruit salad (strawberries, kiwi and banana) with yoghurt for lunch and then I'll do my workout a bit later in the afternoon.

Will probably have a pear and some yoghurt for dinner.

Boy, this is really boring. smiley - erm


a great new weight loss programme

Post 48

Sho - employed again!

keep your eye on te goal

I've had a bowl of all bran and some orange spice tea.

I want to go for a run, but I'm not sure when to do it
in between tidying my bedroom & cleaning the bathroom.

and I'm sorely tempted to go to pictures to letch gay cowboys.

It's the excting life here, as you can see!

a great new weight loss programme

Post 49



So then how did you get overweight? smiley - winkeye

I do agree with you that most of us eat much more than we need to, so it's going to be interesting to make a few changes.

Meanwhile, the worst part about Boring Fruit-Only Day (so far) was making grilled ham & cheese sandwiches for Noggin for lunch and then a potato salad for his dinner (which I hope he eats before I get home from work tonight). smiley - wah

Right, off to do my afternoon workout . . . smiley - run


a great new weight loss programme

Post 50


Too many evil years working in food service. All that unhealthy crap available all the time during long hours with little physical activity.smiley - sadface

a great new weight loss programme

Post 51


I know this doesn't count, but I lost two pounds over night.smiley - tongueout

a great new weight loss programme

Post 52


No, it doesn't count! smiley - tongueout

Do you weigh yourself every day? I've decided only to weigh myself on Monday mornings.

Also decided that I seriously can't eat any more fruit today so when I get home I'm going to steam some broccoli and asparagus and have that instead. And also polish off the lime water (making it two litres today).

Did the workout with weights and then rode The Bike again for about 5 kms. I'm really glad I finally started doing this. smiley - ok


a great new weight loss programme

Post 53


'Do you weigh yourself every day?'

Every day? several times a day. every chance I get. I find it fascinating to watch the fluctuations.smiley - smiley

a great new weight loss programme

Post 54

Sho - employed again!

me too
smiley - sadface

it's compulsive at this stage...
I'll even weigh mysel before and after using the loo.

Bad, eh?

a great new weight loss programme

Post 55


Weirdos . . . smiley - winkeye


a great new weight loss programme

Post 56

Sho - employed again!

smiley - biggrin

a great new weight loss programme

Post 57


I've got this spiffy electronic scale that you program with your gender, hight and age and then every time you stand on it it passes an electric current through the soles of your feet andthen claims to tell you your body fat percentage along with your weight.

Did you know that having wet feet changes your body fat?

smiley - laugh

a great new weight loss programme

Post 58

Sho - employed again!

I've got one of those and I'm totally smiley - erm about it

if you check, after you pee in the morning, but before you shower you get a totally different reading to the one after your shower.

and in the evening again it's different.

I'm usually around 25% fat and 50~55% water (but I do drink an awful lot)

I suppose if you make sure you do it at the same time every day, you can establish a baseline. Or something.

Me I'm just peeved because my spiffy new scales put me around 4kg heavier than my old ones smiley - wah

a great new weight loss programme

Post 59


I find that my weight changes up to two pounds depending on whether I step onto the scale or step carefully and gently onto the scale.smiley - laugh

I sort of make note of the top and bottom each day. (They've both been steadily dropping. The daily high is now way, way below the daily low from two months ago.)

a great new weight loss programme

Post 60

Sho - employed again!

that's something to celebrate!!
smiley - bubbly

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