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What are your Buffy priorities?
TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office Started conversation Jun 24, 2012
I saw this and thought of you.
What are your Buffy priorities?
HonestIago Posted Jun 24, 2012
It's disturbing how accurate that is. I've turned down sex to watch Buffy before.
What are your Buffy priorities?
TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office Posted Jun 24, 2012
And I've never seen it at all, though I have read a couple of the related books.
(I also read an article about someone who regained her religion through Buffy.)
What are your Buffy priorities?
HonestIago Posted Jun 24, 2012
I really can't recommend that you watch it enough. If you don't mind spoilers and want to see just how good the Buffy team are, start with The Body (S5 E16). It doesn't require much prior knowledge of the series/characters and if it does nothing for you then Buffy isn't for you.
I wouldn't mind reading that article if you can remember where it was: Buffy has an interesting theology and, weirdly, is probably Whedon's least anti-theist work.
What are your Buffy priorities?
TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office Posted Jun 24, 2012
It's a two-part article, and Buffy is the second part. So here you go
In "Faith and Hope: 20% off", our hero loses her religion while working in a Christian bookstore.
In "Stakes, Perky Hairdos and other things that matter" our hero regains her faith while watching Buffy.
I do mind spoilers. And, for some reason, I can't watch films or plot-driven telly on my own. I need someone to watch it with or I lose interest. Dunno why. I don't even have a television now. And I have beside my computer a stack of DVDs I've never watched, even though I know I'd like them.
I need someone to sit down with me and watch some of this stuff one day.
What are your Buffy priorities?
HonestIago Posted Jun 24, 2012
I'd quite happily take a week off and go on a Buffy marathon with you but the problem is it's a gateway drug: once you've started on Buffy you're going to want to try Firefly and maybe Dollhouse. Then it's onto the harder stuff like Battlestar Galactica and Game of Thrones.
I'll have a read of those...
What are your Buffy priorities?
HonestIago Posted Jun 24, 2012
Cheers for those, they were wonderful. The second one in particular was great and does a great job of showing why I'm so fanatical about Buffy and Whedon's work in general.
The quote she opens with is one of my favourites: that whole episode would be another good taster as it's very early on in the show and has no real spoilers.
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What are your Buffy priorities?
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