This is the Message Centre for HonestIago


Post 1

Gnomon - time to move on

Are you volunteering to be a sub? Or are you just thinking about it?

We could certainly do with your help.


Post 2


I was thinking about it, but now I'm volunteering. Count me in.


Post 3

Gnomon - time to move on

Great. I've given you a sub-editing badge, added you to the <./>subeditors</.> page and I've sent you an entry to get working on:

A87740364 The Greyheaded Kingfisher - A Misnamed Feathered Jewel

by Willem.

We hope to have a small picture of the bird on the entry, with a bigger version of the picture on a separate page, with a "Click here to see bigger version". We'll organise that, though.

If you want a refresher in how to sub-edit, you could look at my guide:


There's a Noesis forum where you can talk about sub-editing, and request more entries to work on, but you can also request them directly from me through h2g2.


Post 4

Gnomon - time to move on

I'm sorry to hear you've got a problem with your Personal Space.

I copied all the GuideML from your personal space onto my one, and it worked perfectly there, so I don't think there can be a problem with your GuideML.

smiley - erm


Post 5

h2g2 Guide Editors

Hi HonestIago.

How are you getting on with sub-editing the Kingfisher entry?

Did you get the problem with your personal space sorted?

- Gnomon


Post 6

Gnomon - time to move on

Hi HonestIago. You've had the Kingfisher entry for three months now, and it was a fairly simple entry. We can't leave it with you for ever, so I'm going to take it back.

Perhaps you will reconsider whether you have the time to be a sub-editor, as we would like our sub-editors to process about 2 entries a month.


Post 7


Sorry, I'm just going through one of my phases of not engaging much with hootoo. Sorry for making a commitment I couldn't keep.

Never did get the PS bug sorted but it's not a major issue

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