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Hello Mr Anagram!
Mikeo the gregarious Started conversation Oct 25, 2011
Long time no speak ... how are things? Has the new boss at work helped things?
I finally made the move to this new H2G2 yesterday and feeling quite at home now the Brunel skin is the default again.
Hello Mr Anagram!
HonestIago Posted Oct 26, 2011
Hey - it has been a while, hasn't it.
The new boss has helped a lot, it feels like an entirely new job, which it sort-of is. I'm no longer Mr Aimhigher and nothing else unless it suits me, I've become much more involved in careers and general 6th form issues. The lads hate me, but that means I must be doing something right.
What are you up to these days?
Hello Mr Anagram!
Mikeo the gregarious Posted Nov 4, 2011
Sounds a lot better than it was ... plus there's nothing wrong with the lads hating you.
I've been continuing as a professional geek: after I got the doctorate about three years ago, I eventually got lucky and a research council - STFC - took me on as a computational scientist. Basically I write and develop computer programs to model complex chemicals using a variety of techniques ... my "pet project" can be found here:
I recently started developing another (much bigger) package, so things have got busier but I'm still enjoying myself. (By the way, any innuendo is entirely unintentional!
I've not really got a lovelife to speak of at the moment - I'm also still very busy with music things (including hitting percussion instruments with sticks at a brass band) - but I'm not *too* dissatisfied to be single at the moment. (I'd welcome a b/f if he comes into my life, but I'm not actively looking for one.) I'm also still living with my mum, but now I'm actually earning some money I've started saving and preparing an "exit strategy".
Anyway, how is Bradford for you? Any lovelife to speak of?
Hello Mr Anagram!
HonestIago Posted Nov 4, 2011
I'm Leeds-based now, which is a huge improvement. Still work in Bradford but coming home to a much nicer place makes all the difference.
Potential stirrings of a love-life but I'm desperately bad at the whole dance and I think I may have gotten it wrong with a guy I really like. Oh well, c'est la vie.
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Hello Mr Anagram!
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