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Hope you don't mind old chap?
nortirascal Started conversation May 25, 2011
Just added you to my friends list We may differ on many issues, but that doesn't mean I don't respect and value your reasons to be different
Besides, where else am I to go when I need style advice
I haven't heard from Dale in ages ????? I'm sure you know who I'm referring to. He did have a liot of issues with people on here and I never really understood why
Hope you don't mind old chap?
nortirascal Posted Jun 10, 2011
Naughty, naughty You provoked it again and I bet it's me gets the back lash
Good job I've got broad shoulders and a skin like a rhino afetr all the gyp you've given me
Hope you don't mind old chap?
nortirascal Posted Jun 18, 2011
I see your being berated in the PS Not me for a change, both having a moan about you and being
upon. Surely one of the sychophants must have pointed it out to you? Has it come down to mysoginist, homophobic, right whingers like me and AB to point the way
I blame you for upsetting it Be careful out there
Hope you don't mind old chap?
HonestIago Posted Jun 19, 2011
Ooh, shall have to check that out. A couple of sycophants have told me what she's been saying in the thread I abandoned but not her PS.
She's an interesting one for sure.
Hope you don't mind old chap?
nortirascal Posted Jun 19, 2011
Certainly not as thick skinned as we are, that's for sure.
Always has me in mind me of the 'naughty little girl'. Whens she's good, she's very, very good. When she's bad, she's very, very bad.
Has shown some remarkable insight at times, cutting straight to the heart of things, and others just being completely pants
Hope you don't mind old chap?
nortirascal Posted Jun 19, 2011 post 557 It is in support of you aginst the petty small mindedness of others, though the way it is written is somewhat ambiguous
Hope you don't mind old chap?
nortirascal Posted Jun 19, 2011
where have all the badgers gone, aka Blicky Badger Gone (I culled them all BTW
Hope you don't mind old chap?
HonestIago Posted Jun 19, 2011
Ferretbadger is still reasonably accurate and a consistently decent bloke.
As for stalking Effers, I do wish she'd stop claiming that. Look up the number of threads we squabble in and see who's there first. It's almost invariably me. I sometimes go around disrupting threads SoRB is in, but not Effers. Once she shows up doing her 'Mary, Mary, quite contrary' bit I should just ignore her but I don't have that kind of willpower.
Hope you don't mind old chap?
HonestIago Posted Jun 19, 2011
*reasonably active. Don't ask me where the accurate come from.
Hope you don't mind old chap?
nortirascal Posted Jun 19, 2011
Oh, sorry for confusing you Tisn't FerretBadger
merely a confident of Effers, calling them self 'where have all the badgers gone'. Ferretbadger I know, and far too erudite to be involved in those type of shenanigans.
What a day Fallen out with Lanza, Bicky badger and Nick (the poster formally known as Rev) That's not including the clientele who ahve decided it's fight Sunday Think it's me, I'm just in a combative mood
Hope you don't mind old chap?
nortirascal Posted Jun 22, 2011
Jack Warner, aka Dixon of Dock Green Now you're showing your age
I haven't thought about Dixon of Dock Green since the Old Queen died (No pun intended, refeerrring to Queeen Vic
"Evenin' all". "Mind how you go now".
Further to my last, tis Kea that's acting as everyones emotional crutch Gawd knows we all need one at some time.
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Hope you don't mind old chap?
- 1: nortirascal (May 25, 2011)
- 2: nortirascal (Jun 10, 2011)
- 3: nortirascal (Jun 18, 2011)
- 4: HonestIago (Jun 19, 2011)
- 5: nortirascal (Jun 19, 2011)
- 6: nortirascal (Jun 19, 2011)
- 7: nortirascal (Jun 19, 2011)
- 8: HonestIago (Jun 19, 2011)
- 9: HonestIago (Jun 19, 2011)
- 10: nortirascal (Jun 19, 2011)
- 11: nortirascal (Jun 22, 2011)
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