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Just for your information......

Post 21


I been rather too busy fighting with the clientele to pay much attention here, and I've completely forgotten what my remit was None-the-less, this thread seems to have thrown up some interesting and two completely unrelated discussions Effers is on form with Deus ex machina. When she's good, she's very, very good. When she's bad............................ Your thoughts?

Just for your information......

Post 22


Oih! Am I going to have to get my big pointy stick and behave like a complete bounder smiley - evilgrin

Just for your information......

Post 23


Quake in your boots - you've angered it.

Run whilst you still can.

Just for your information......

Post 24


smiley - rofl You're quite correct on all counts - the arguments for gays serving openly in the Armed Forces and my agitation of the puerilely vindictivesmiley - winkeye I know it wassmiley - evilgrin batting back the question of intelligence, though I also know some would have the guile and insight to see past the, patently obvious clumsiness of the apparent patronism. smiley - cheers

Just for your information......

Post 25


I really know I shouldn't provoke it, but sometimes smiley - evilgrin gets the better of my good nature smiley - laugh

I really should look up your smiley - simpost sometime, AB posted it at one stage which I thought a little unethical smiley - shrug We share many of the same values, aside from the obvious I like girls and you prefer to remain a confirmed batchelor - Vive la difference - and many times I need to clarify my thoughts when engaged in banter whilst at work smiley - ok

Just for your information......

Post 26


smiley - simpost sent should you wish to check smiley - cheerup

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